Wednesday, June 5, 2024


     THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2024

        THE OTHER 'D DAY!"

    June 6th is known by most people

as "D Day!" It recalls the beginning

of the end of World War II as allied

forces landed in Normandy to begin

the liberation of France. But there's

another D Day always observed on

June 6th. It's Drive In Movies day.

It recalls the day in 1933 when Richard

Hollingshead  opened the first drive in

theater in Camden, New Jersey! During

their peak in the 1950's there were some

4,000 drive ins in the United States.

Over the years competition from TV

and land value saw many close. Ironically

the pandemic saw people rediscovering

drive ins as a way to get out of the house

while maintaining social distancing. A few

things have changed. Those poles that once held

speakers so you could hear the movie are

now used to help space parking. The movie

sound now comes through your car radio.

The screens are still giant. Far bigger that

even the largest home tv screen.  And just

like in the 50's it good to enjoy a night out

with your date. The other change that comes

to mine is the elimination of  bench seat in

most cars. And my Miata doesn't even have a

back seat. So...enjoy the show! Hope you're

well and that all your NEWS is good.

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