Saturday, June 1, 2024


     SUNDAY, JUNE 2, 2024

           EDISON'S FIRST!

       It's June 2nd and today I am remembering

one of America's most prolific inventors. Thomas

Edison. It was on during this week, in 1868 when.

at 21-years-old, he received his first patent! Edison

eventually held 1,093 patents under his name. He

was working on between 500 and 600 more but

either didn't finish the projects or had them

rejected for one reason or another. He's probably

best remembered as the inventor of the light bulb,

the phonograph, and the movie camera. But his

first, the one receiving a patent this week 156

years ago is still being re-invented! Nearly every

year! It was a machine to count votes!!!!

Hope you're well and that all of your NEWS is


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