Sunday, June 16, 2024


 Monday, June 17, 2024

       Bee Mindful!

    We're noting another unusual

"holiday" this week. Today begins

"National Pollinator Week!" 

According to the linked website

Pollinator Week is an annual celebration

 in support of pollinator health that was

 initiated and is managed by Pollinator

 Partnership. It is a time to raise awareness

for pollinators and spread the word about

what we can do to protect them."

i suppose we're mainly talking about bees.

They do a tremendous amount of good

pollinating those plants, flowers and

eatables that benefit all of us in one

way or another. So let them alone to

do their job! Besides getting too close

can get you stung, if you get my point.

Or theirs! Just step back and smell

the roses! Hope you do and that all

your flowers are beautiful and your

NEWS is good! 

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