Thursday, April 30, 2020
FRIDAY, MAY 1ST., 2020
Years back there was a popular
singer from Pennsylvania who had his
own television show. The crooner was
Perry Como and one of the features
on his program involved reading cards
and letters from his viewers.
We don't send many cards and
letters these days, with the possible
exception of Christmas time.
Most greetings now come by way
of email or Facebook.
But we get one every year on our
anniversary that has come to become
a family tradition.
The card, features a drawing
of two cats and the caption "to a
perfect couple." comes to my wife
and I every year.
Inside there's a line that reads
"And yes, you can send this card back
to us on our anniversary if you want
to." That's probably why it comes
to our house every year! It also comes to
my daughter Cassie's house and
my daughter Missy's house.
It's been circulation for 24 years!
Hallmark hasn't made an extra dime!
But we help keep the postal service
going! Hope you're well and that all
your NEWS is good.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Hi everybody. Just a quick up date
today on our anniversary yesterday.
. We celebrated with a picnic
dinner from our favorite restaurant
La Dolce Casa in Tamaqua.
I got my haircut. My wife seemed
to like the marble I bought for her
but initially assumed it was one of
those I've lost along the way.
We want to thank all of you
who sent along anniversary wishes.
I appreciate all the comments you've
sent about the blog and I do pay
attention. My cousin Paul asked for
some baseball stories so I came up
with a couple and I may find some
more. NOW my sister-in-law Mary
in Florida is concerned that I may be
wearing the same shirt too often.
Actually I have a number of
fairly new shirts, picked by her
sister, my wife, that are similar
in appearance. but different in
color. They fit me, and the
climate around her just now so I
have been alternating them on a
daily basis.
I do, however, have many more
and will try to get more on
camera. So thanks for the input and
remember, if you're in need, I''ll
give you the shirt off my back!
Hope all your NEWS is good!
Hi everybody. Just a quick up date
today on our anniversary yesterday.
. We celebrated with a picnic
dinner from our favorite restaurant
La Dolce Casa in Tamaqua.
I got my haircut. My wife seemed
to like the marble I bought for her
but initially assumed it was one of
those I've lost along the way.
We want to thank all of you
who sent along anniversary wishes.
I appreciate all the comments you've
sent about the blog and I do pay
attention. My cousin Paul asked for
some baseball stories so I came up
with a couple and I may find some
more. NOW my sister-in-law Mary
in Florida is concerned that I may be
wearing the same shirt too often.
Actually I have a number of
fairly new shirts, picked by her
sister, my wife, that are similar
in appearance. but different in
color. They fit me, and the
climate around her just now so I
have been alternating them on a
daily basis.
I do, however, have many more
and will try to get more on
camera. So thanks for the input and
remember, if you're in need, I''ll
give you the shirt off my back!
Hope all your NEWS is good!
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
I wonder how many of you can remember
where you were 51 years ago today at 11 am?
I can. I was getting my haircut! I didn't
really need it but I wanted to have my hair
I had to go to a wedding later in the day.
In fact it was my wedding!
This is my wife and my 51st anniversary!
We are traditionalists. So, today, I'm getting
my haircut. But this time my wife will be
cutting it!
As for a gift, the traditional gift for 51
years is marble. I looked at some lawn
ornaments and sculptures but ,in the end,
I settled on a marble! A little round marble!
I think she'll like it!
Hope you're well and that all your NEWS
is good!
Monday, April 27, 2020
I'd like to talk about accidents today.
They happen. My grandson was visiting
and his tray table got knocked over. I
told him not to worry. It was just an
Then. a little later, I had one.
Now I know some of you may
criticize me for what I'm about to say
but in all honesty I did not know it was
I'm not sure exactly how it happened/
I remember hearing a noise, pulling it out
and seeing the bright flash right in my face.
And I remember the kid in A Christmas
Story who was always being reminded,
"You'll shoot your eye out."
Well I didn't.
But I got one heck of a picture!
Still don't know exactly how I shot
myself with my Smartphone!. But I got
a great close up of my eye!
Well, accidents happen.
Hope you're well and that all your
NEWS is good!
Sunday, April 26, 2020
We hear a lot about keeping safe
these days. The virus pandemic has
made us all more aware of safe practices.
And we're trying to make the kids
more aware too.
It makes you wonder how any of
us who grew up in the 40's or 50's
ever survived this long!
Talk about germs!
We played it dirt all the time.
Probably ate some! We slid on
sliding boards with sharp edges
and straddled sea saws with more
splinters than a pack of toothpicks.
He flew high and fast on swings
then jumped off as we flew forward
hoping to land on our feet.
If we didn't our bottoms came
down on the dirt and stone covered
hard ground.
How things have changed!
Play equipment is made of molded
plastics now a days. Sharp edges have
been removed and the surface is now
cork or soft mulch,
This, for those who didn't know,
is National Playground Safety Week
And our playgrounds have never been
safer. They're all closed!
Hope your kids survive the back
yard and that all your NEWS is good!
Today a little bit of unapologetic self promotion!
Most of you know me from from my posts here
on Facebook. Many remember me from my years
on television and some, perhaps. from radio before
But when I talk about my career in movies you
probably think about all the hours I spent in the
theater when my Dad was a projectionist.
Nay, Nay!
I have acted in two motion picture roles!
I played a psychiatrist in a movie called
"Hillers" many years back. I was in the preview
for the film, But before the shooting finished my
part was given to some other actor. A guy named
Henry Winkler.....aka "The Fonz."
I actually won out though because the movie
was never released. The preview was.
I did make the big screen in my next part.
Writer/Producer Chris Fetchko needed
someone to play a Dad telling his son what he
should be doing with his life.
My own son D.J. will tell you I had been
rehearsing that role for years.
I got the part and that movie, '"All In Time"
hit the film festivals 5 years ago this week.
To celebrate, the movie is being made
available to all of you Facebook viewers
from now through May 3rd free of charge.
I hope you'll use some of your stay at
home time to watch and enjoy it.
My part is short and I don't want to say
I was great. But, maybe some of you will.
Hope so and that all your NEWS is7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777
Friday, April 24, 2020
Towards the end of many an old
western movie the hero and villain
stood face to face at High Noon, drew
their 6 guns and fired. In case you
didn't pay close attention, the bad guy
usually drew first, but the good's guys
aim proved more accurate.
I bring this up because of a growing
problem cased by the virus pandemic.
COVID 19 has caused deaths, illness,
unemployment and inconvenience. It's
also causing more and more controversy
Should we stay home or reopen society?
Will some medicines help, or hurt?
Some people, in defending their
positions on the controversies, tend
to draw quickly. Maybe too quickly!
Shooting first, then aiming.
I heard some advice that may
come in handy for those willing to
heed it.
A wise man once said "A closed
mouth gathers no feet"
Hope you're well and that all
your NEWS is good.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
A little more on a serious note today
I'd like to tell you about a sensational
place I went yesterday! It was a place
that reminded me of a similar place
where I spent a lot of time as a kid.
Back the I remember a lot of
people walking by. It was a busy place
and I knew most of them by name!
They'd wave to me as I used that
place as a castle, a pirate ship, and a ranch!
It wasn't quite the same yesterday. I
did hear some kids nearby. Only one
person walked by. He didn't wave and
I have no idea who he was.
Still, it was a pleasant and relaxing
time ....on my front porch!
I think I'll go back again!
Hope you're well and that all your
NEWS is good!
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
I'm so very pleased so many of you
have expressed positive comments about
my blog over the past week or so.
My Video blog is brand new. But
as of today, my daily blog enters its
10th year! I wrote and published my
first one on April 22nd of 2011!
I have missed a couple dates here
and there and I've repeated a couple
blogs either because I felt the subject
was very important or because I
couldn't think of anything
.For the record, this is my 3,364th blog!
My wife always said it was important
to keep records. I told her I have a
whole room filled with Albums and 45's
from my DJ days.
Now I find out she was talking about
appliance guarantees, receipts and
legal documents.
Right now she's searching for our
marriage license....she said something
about looking for an expiration date!
Hope you're well and that all your
NEWS is good!
I'm so very pleased so many of you
have expressed positive comments about
my blog over the past week or so.
My Video blog is brand new. But
as of today, my daily blog enters its
10th year! I wrote and published my
first one on April 22nd of 2011!
I have missed a couple dates here
and there and I've repeated a couple
blogs either because I felt the subject
was very important or because I
couldn't think of anything
.For the record, this is my 3,364th blog!
My wife always said it was important
to keep records. I told her I have a
whole room filled with Albums and 45's
from my DJ days.
Now I find out she was talking about
appliance guarantees, receipts and
legal documents.
Right now she's searching for our
marriage license....she said something
about looking for an expiration date!
Hope you're well and that all your
NEWS is good!
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
April 22nd is Earth Day my friends.
In years past you'd find people out and
about doing their best to clean our
environment. And a big part of that effort
was planing trees.
I hope, even in the midst of the virus,
some people are still doing that!
We lost about 2.6 million acres of
forest here in the U.S over the past year
because of fires! Millions more acres
around the world have been lost of fires
or over harvesting.
Now if was never important to you
before, it should be now!
You see trees are used to make toilet
paper. The average American uses 410
rolls a year! And that dosen't account
for the rolls they've been stashing away.
It takes one whole tree to supply
a family of 2 for about 365 days.
So don't let them wipe out our
trees or you'll be searching for someting
else to "the end!:
Hope you're well and that all
your NEWS is good!
Monday, April 20, 2020
There's been a lot of fuss around the country
over the past few days about reopening society
in the wake of the virus inspired stay home
A moth ago, just about the time social
distancing was becoming a way of life,my
old friend and former channel 22 colleague
Barry Finn came up with what I thought was
a brilliant idea. Barry suggested we re-open
the Drive In theaters!
Think about it. People could get out of
the house and be entertained from the comfort
of their own cars. They'd be with others without
actually being with others.
One Texas Drive In Theater has given it a
try. You're actually encouraged to bring your
own snacks because the concession stand is
closed. It's also a good idea to visit your
own bathroom before you drive in.
It could be a first step in reopening
My wife and I used to enjoy the drive ins.
We come back.
Maybe this time we could find out of they
actually show movies! Not sure I was suppose
to say that!
Hope you're well and that all your NEWS
is good.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
There are signs that the virus prompted
lock down of some businesses and a lot
of people may be nearing an end.
When it does come about we will
likely be facing what some are already
calling a "new normal."
Normal, of course, is a relative
term. I don't know if I'd call most of
my relatives "normal." And it is an
adjective not usually associated with
But what's "normal" is really changing
all the time.
When I was a kid you could get on
a train from your home town and go
anywhere. Now it's a big thrill to ride a
train at an amusement park.
I can still remember standing up to
change channels on my black and white
TV screen. And there were only a few
channels to choose.
Now "normal" is a large screen
Smart TV and there are usually at
least two remote controls needed to
watch what you want.
Maybe the new "normal" will
include less hugging and handshaking
and that would be a shame.
Masks could become routine.
Think I'll go with a Brad Pitt!
Hope you're well and that all your
NEWS is good!
Saturday, April 18, 2020
I miss going to the movies. Of course
all the theaters were closed a month ago
when the virus started show up.
You can try to duplicate the movie
experience at home but, as I discovered,
it's not quite the same no matter how
hard you try.
I had my choice of seating. But I
don't have a recliner, let along one of
those automatic ones.
I turned on a regular channel first
so I could get a couple of those pre-
feature commercials.
I turned off the lightsThen I picked
a fairly new movie on Amazon so I'd get
that "First Run feeling.".Problem is I've
only got a 24 inch screen. Nothing like
those giant ones at the Cinaplex.
I turned my cell phone on a couple
times during the feature to duplicate
a typical audience siting around me
I had some popcorn. I even managed
to drop a couple pieces just like I always
did at the theater. I picked them up
right away though. The manager here
is pretty strict!
So I got as much of the movie
experience as I could without actually
going there.
It may not have been perfect, but
I find myself with an extra 30 bucks
about now
Hum....movies are better than
ever! Hope you're well and that all
your NEWS is good!
Friday, April 17, 2020
I'm truly thrilled with the recent reaction
to my blog and it's great to hear from so
many followers.
My cousin wrote to tell me he was
"baseball starved" and longed for some
stories about the old ball game.
Baseball terminology has found it's
way into out daily lives. Today's virus
crisis has us all thinking "out of the
box" which, of course stems from
stepping out of the batter's box."
And how appropriate to think about
baseball on April 18th.
The original Yankee stadium opened
on April 18th 1923. The Yanks against
the Red Sox, And the first home run hit
there that day was by Babe Ruth,
A guy from our area made his
big league debut on April 18th, 1945.
He got up to bat 4 times and only got
one hit. Not especially impressive.
Until you consider the fact that Pete
Gray played the game with just one
As for all the uncertainties this
virus has left us with I'll turn to
baseball's wisest philosopher for
some practical wisdom.
Yogi Berra advised....:"When
you come to a fork in the road,
take it.: And most importantly,
"It ain;t over till it;s over.!
Hope you're well, and that
all your NEWS is good.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
It's nice to know there are things you
can depend on during these trying times.
Take the mail for instance. It still comes
to my box everyday and I get some exercise
walking there to pick up.......bills!
Phone calls. We get at least two every
day and I do appreciate someone calling.
That said I can't seem to remember buying
an auto warranty any time in the past!
There's the Garbage men! I'm so very
glad to see them even if it's only once a
week. Real human beings coming right by
my house! What a thrill!
Facebook is my constant companion.
I love to contact people on Facebook. I
don't like the politics. And more and more
people seem to be asking me to "Copy and
I've told them I haven't copied since
third grade. And, as I recall, that didn't
work out so well anyway!
As far as paste is concerned, I tried
some again on a craft project today and
ended up with paper stuck all over my
hand. My wife told me not to use it! Guess
she was right.....again!
Hope you're well and that all your
NEWS is good!
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
I know the virus has turned our worlds
upside down. But that's not to say a few
good things aren't happening.
As I've said before on Facebook, my
Chevy Suburban is currently getting about
5 weeks to the gallon!
Grocery stores have set up special
shopping hours for senior citizens. I haven't
trie them yet because they're usually
between 6 and 7 am. That means they're
over 3 hours by the time I wake up!
Speaking of waking up, I don't have
to get dressed for church. I don't mean I
don'y have to put on a short and tie. I
mean I don't have to get dressed at all.
I can stay in bed in my pajamas and
watch services on my smartphone in
We used to talk about how time
flies. Right now time is sort of
dragging by, giving us a lot of time
to think.
I've been thinking about being
stranded on a desert island. Who would
you really want to have with you?
In my case I think I'd pick...........
well my wife of course! (Wow! That
was a close one!)
We'll be back together soon. I'll
even get dressed! Hope you're well
and that all your NEWS is good!
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Two days after Easter and my basket looked
empty. But I knew there was one last treasured
piece of chocolate in there. So I dug through the
straw and, sure enough, there was that small
piece of candy just waiting to be found!
It pays to keep searching for your treasure.
Yesterday I wrote about the Titanic. It sunk
exactly 108 years ago this very day.
Robert Ballard found the wreckage in 1985.
But it wasn't until just a few years ago we learned
that wasn't his mission!
Oh he wanted to find the Titanic. But the Navy
wanted his to find find the remains of two missing
U.S. nuclear submarines. The Thresher a nd the
Scorpion. Here's the deal. If he found both subs
and got pictures he could use whatever time was
left to look for the Titanic.
Well he found both of them and took pictures,
and had three days left.
In those three days he found his treasure, the
wreckage of RMS Titanic! It pays to keep searching
for your treasure!
Hope you're well and that all your NEWS is
Monday, April 13, 2020
First let me tell you how overwhelmed
I was by the reaction to my video blog
I had a lot of Facebook friends say
they liked the blog and the idea.
WILK radio host Jason Barsky even
ran it on the air. But one of the replies
he got was from a listener who felt it
was depressing.
The last thing I want to be is
depressing so let's more on to the
positive side of things.
Take the Titanic.
Well, not the Titanic exactly.
But Violet Jessop. I think this
might be a good time to talk
about living through disasters!
The Titanic was one of 3
ships being built for the White
Star Line. They were the Olympic. the
Titanic, and the Britannic. .
Violet was a stewardess on Olympic
when it was accidentally rammed
by a warship! It was heavily
damaged but didn't sink. Violet
Her next job was on the
Titanic which, you may know,
sank exactly 108 years ago.
Violet survived. and then
joined the crew of the Britannic.
The Britannic hit a mine
during World War 1 and sank!
Violet survived!
So the next time the virus
and home confinement gives
you that sinking feeling...I hope
you'll remember Violet Jessop ..
and that all your NEWS will be
Sunday, April 12, 2020
I've lived 77 Easters now. I can't truthfully
say I remember each and every one, except
to say as many family members as possible
always gathered together to celebrate.
Those were "the good old days."
I remember going to church with the
family and singing some hymns that will
forever be associated with Easter for me.
"Those were the good old days."
It's not unusual, on any holiday, to
think back to gatherings past. Family and
friends and experiences you shared
together. in "the good old days."
At the moment I'm remembering a
dinner we shared with my oldest and
closest friend at a restaurant in New
York State.. We talked of old times
and shared some photographs that
brought back still more memories.
We shared our lives, hugged, shook
hands and parted.
The thing is, that dinner was on
March 13th., 2020. Exactly one month
ago today. In what are now, suddenly,
"the good old days!"
Hope we'll get to do it again, and
that all your NEWS is good.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
My wife and I had planned to go to
the Drive In on this Easter night. Now,
it seems, the show won't go on.
An area pastor, Lafe Isaacson, had
come up with a unique way to celebrate
Easter by keeping people apart while
bringing them together!
The idea was to have a locally
prepared Easter service on screen at
the recently reopened Moonlight Drive
In Theater in West Wyoming Borough.
Worshipers could come, and stay
in their cars while watching the sermon
on screen and listening through their
car radios. No personal contact. No
concession stand or rest room facilities
during the hour long presentation.
Seemed like a very safe way to
celebrate Easter together, yet apart.
But safe or not the powers that
be, both at the local and state level,
pulled the plug on the projectors.
Because the service was not taking
place on religious grounds (read that
church property) it would not qualify
for an exemption to the order
requiring non-life sustaining businesses
to shut down during the coronavirus
I've got a couple of questions
about that decision. Probably stems
from my days in the News room and
Sunday School.
First, I've always been under the
impression you didn't need a building
to have a "church." Seems to me a
remember one prominent biblical
character saying something like
"Where two or more gather in my
name, there I am also."
There are those who might also
argue that during these times of fear
and isolation, religion might well be
considered a life sustaining business!
There's also, at the state and federal
level, documents called Constitutions.
Both of them prohibit laws (or read that
rules or advisories) interfering with the
observance of one's religious freedom.
I totally understand the concern
about churches that continue to gather
people together in the same room for
services during this crisis. But the
Drive In concept seemed a great
way to "have your cake and eat it
But, look at the bright side!
Drive In or not, the star of the show
will NOT be a no show!
Hope you'll have a Happy
Easter and that all your NEWS is
Friday, April 10, 2020
OK folks. We've got a dilemma on our hands! This
is April 11th. It is one of those unusual "holidays"
I love to find, write about and, when possible,
But here's the thing. This is "Submarine Day!"
Problem is, although it's been acknowledged
on several calendar sites, we don't know what
kind of submarine we're suppose to be celebrating!
Is it a boat that goes under water or a big
"Hero" sandwich? There's a big difference!
I know a little bit about both.
I've certainly had plenty of "submarine"
sandwiches over the years. Probably more than
a few too many!
They come in many varieties with a whole lot
of different names. "Subs, Heroes, Hoagies, Grinders,
torpedoes, or baguettes" to name a few.
The name usually varies depending on the part
of the country you're in. Use the wrong one and
you'll likely get either a strange or, at least, a
blank stare!
The other "submarine", the boat, usually has
torpedoes on board. But you can't eat them!
I've been on two submarines. Not as a
sailor. Just a visitor. I know the Navy will be
extremely happy with that disclaimer.
I got to check out the Nautilus at the Sub
Museum in Groton, Connecticut. I looked all
over for Captain Nemo but he must have been
on shore leave that day.
Then, a couple of years ago, we had our
choice of visiting either the Rock & Roll
Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio or the U.S.S.
Cod moored nearby. Since the Hall didn't allow
pictures I yelled "Clear the bridge" and
dove into the Cod for a really neat tour!
Since the U.S. Submarine Service was
established in April of 1900, and this is April,
that's probably the Submarine we're suppose to
be celebrating. Dah!
I'm not sure how you would "celebrate."
It's still a bit too cool for an underwater
swim. Maybe you could rent a couplee of those
old movies about subs. I'd recommend Operation
Petticoat from 1959.
And, while you're watching, call up the
nearest Subway Shop and order a Torpedo,or
a Hero, Hoagie, Grinder, or a Baguette...just
to see how they react. Of course you'll still
have to do drive through or pick up
As for me, if we're celebrating the "Silent
Service". I'll say no more!
Hope you're not "taking a dive" and that
all your NEWS is good!
Thursday, April 9, 2020
My Dad was a projectionist and
spent a lot of nights working at area
Drive In Theaters. There were plenty
around back then.
Special attractions always drew
big crowds! I remember the all night
horror flicks around Halloween each
Drive In's have been dying away
over the years, the victims of TV and
land value for the most part.
Our area has been lucky to
maintain a few and even see the rebirth
of one that closed many years back.
Ironically, the social distancing,
stay at home recommendations prompted
by the coronavirus are giving the outdoor
theaters a new opportunity to draw crowds
once again!
On Easter night the Moonlight
Drive In in West Wyoming will be
screening a locally produced Easter
service for all who wish to attend!
Individuals or families can
come, stay inside their vehicles, watch
the service on the big screen, and listen
to the music and sermon on their car
The Hanover Area School
District will conduct graduation for
the Class of 2020 at ceremonies to
be projected on screen at the Garden
Drive In later this year.
Administrators and the class
Valedictorian will address the students
in prerecorded messages while the
class and their family members watch
from their cars.
I think these are great ideas!
In a way I sort of pioneered the concept.
Having no interest in our Senior Prom
I spent the evening watching a movie
at a local drive in.
I suppose the one downside
to these activities will be the inability
of worshipers or graduates to go to the
concession stand to buy popcorn!
One warning. In both cases
"patrons" will be expected to watch
the movie! Many of you never really
did that back in the day!
Hope they do more of these
Drive In get togethers and that all
your NEWS is good!
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
I had errands to do on Wednesday. I
didn't mind this time because it got me
out of the house.
Of course the law now requires me
to wear one of those protective masks
when I venture outside. I know it's only
a recommendation by government
officials. But my wife told me where
I'm concerned it's a law! Hers!!!
It felt a little odd taking my car in
for a needed repair since I was the only
masked man in the shop. But I kept it
My next stop was the bank. There was
no way I was approaching that teller with
a mask! Fortunately my encounter was
limited to a TV monitor appearance
while the check was deposited through
one of those pneumatic tubes! I felt
safer with it off at that time.
My next assignment involved
picking up a candy order. There I made
an interesting discovery. I don't know
if these masks impede the flow of germs
or not. But I can tell you they do
nothing to stop the odor of chocolate!
It wasn't until well after dark
that I was ready to deliver a dvd copy
of my ECTV show for next week to
my director's house. I didn't even have
to see him. I only had to leave the disk
on his screen door.
Still, I sent him an email in advance
imploring him not to shout or shoot at
the masked man soon to be approaching
his house! Turns out he wasn't home and
replied he couldn't shoot me from Scranton!
That relieved my nerves except for
the constant thought I might be pulled
over by an officer as I drove home.
I wonder, if that had happened, if
I'd be chastised for leaving my home or
congratulated for wearing the mask?
I doubt an officer would buy the
story that I really was the Lone Ranger!
Hope you're covered up and that
all your NEWS is good!
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
In sports the term "getting air" is a
description for becoming temporarily
At our house it refers to the need
for getting an air conditioner off the
couch on our front porch and into
place on a window frame in our
living room.
You know my philosophy about
these things! All heavy appliances
should be born where they are to stand.
We bought the unit at an auction
several months ago and lugged it
onto the porch. Although the screens
there are covered with plastic sheets
it is, basically, outside.
My wife and I both agree there's
little need to cool the air outside. The
need was to get it inside and in place.
That's why we have grandchildren!
One is very busy at a local grocery
market putting your carts away after
you've left them in the parking lot, or
in parking spaces.
Another is off from school and
his part time job so we made the call!
He responded quickly and in less than
15 minutes the air conditioner was in
its proper place! All I had to do is help
re-hang the curtains.
Now, this summer, we'll be getting air!
Hope we need it and that all your NEWS
is good!
Monday, April 6, 2020
First let me say I am fine and DO NOT
HAVE the Coronavirus!
I was, however, stricken with another
"virus" on Monday thanks to a hacker
who gained access to my Yahoo email
Corona causes pain in the lungs and
throughout the body. This virus was a
real pain in the.......well, you know!
The hacker, using my name, was
soliciting a gift card so my nephew
could get a PlayStation.
Most precipitants immediately
recognized the con knowing if I needed
money for a PlayStation I'd probably
want it to use myself. My only blood
nephew is already ages ahead of me
in his knowledge of superior electronic
games and likely has any of them he
Heck, I finally just got a Smartphone
for Christmas and haven't completely
figured it out all these months later.
My granddaughter Kara first
alerted me to the hack. You'd think she'd
keep it to herself just in case somebody
sent money to me to buy one for her!
Then her Mom, my daughter
Missy, had to talk me through the moves
needed to send an explanation email to
all my contacts. That's how "up" I am on
this digital stuff.
I wasn't overly concerned that anyone
would fall for this hacker's scheme. You
see I was hacked once before by some
crook who suggested I was stuck in
Europe and needed money to get home.
Not only did no one respond, my
sister-in-law wrote to the address the
hacker posted and said "Let him stay there!"
I did hear from some old friends who
doubted the suspect email but wanted to
check up on me just in case. That was the
only bright spot. Steve Schoonover said
he doubted I knew how to use a Playstation
while Jack Juka was ready to lend, or rent
one to me!
Now I've got to remember another
new password! This could be the biggest
problem since I've got several to try to
remember and I'm getting older!
Hope 1 2 3 4 5 isn't too easy to
hack and that all your NEWS is good!
Sunday, April 5, 2020
I write today's essay praying that
none of you have the fever associated
with the Corona virus.
That said, there are other kinds of
My wife and I, like most of you,
have been dealing with cabin fever
for the past three weeks. It just seems
like two months.
It's a serious fever which forces
you to stay in a relatively confined
area for an undetermined amount
of time. Admittedly it's not like a
jail cell. More like a prison block.
It can weigh on your nerves
and make you restless. And that can,
as it did at our place, lead to what I
consider a far more serious disease!
It's called "Spring fever!"
My wife caught it on Sunday
when it got warm enough for her
to consider setting up the yard for
It's not that Spring fever is all
that contagious. But those afflicted
with it seem to have a compulsion
to get others, read that me in this
case, involved with the project.
Throughout the cold winter
months my little Miata is covered
and safely parked on a patio of
In the summer that patio hosts
a bench for sitting and a picnic
table. Both of them have to be
carried onto the bricks. That of
course is after the Miata is uncovered,
started up (with a jump box), moved
and recovered in its new spot.
There's a wheelbarrow full of
last season's leaves and twigs that
has to be filled then rolled to the
wooded area near by to be dumped.
Then there's the Birdbath! This
small innocent looking yard display
weighs about as much as a pickup
truck! At least it seems that way,
I moved or assisted in moving
every object needed to be placed
and am now resting at my laptop
hoping I'm not called outside again.
Everything now set up will remain
there till late next fall.
Hope this cures my wife's Spring
fever and that all your NEWS is good!
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Time to confess!
I left the house for a short time on
Saturday and I left my mask inside the
Bored with television's offerings I
decided to take my rifle and pistol to
a wooded area nearby and do some
impromptu target shooting.
The spot is very rural and doesn't
get many visitors, Still, it occured to me
that, should I encounter anyone, the sight
of a masked armed man might cause some
concerns.I seriously doubt I would have
been mistaken for the Lone Ranger!
Turns out nobody else came by anyway!
Without any companions the face
protection wasn't really necessary.As I
learned later, however, some ear protection
would have been a great addition! The
pistol was a little louder than I expected
and although there were no churches in sight.
I came home with some ringing in my
Speaking of coming home, as I
approached the road around our park
I came across two women who were
walking their dog.
I shouted "Hello" but, when they
saw the rifle and holster it seemed
social distancing was no problem.
They offered a wide berth!
Hope the phone, or whatever it
is, stops ringing, and that all your
NEWS is good!
Time to confess!
I left the house for a short time on
Saturday and I left my mask inside the
Bored with television's offerings I
decided to take my rifle and pistol to
a wooded area nearby and do some
impromptu target shooting.
The spot is very rural and doesn't
get many visitors, Still, it occured to me
that, should I encounter anyone, the sight
of a masked armed man might cause some
concerns.I seriously doubt I would have
been mistaken for the Lone Ranger!
Turns out nobody else came by anyway!
Without any companions the face
protection wasn't really necessary.As I
learned later, however, some ear protection
would have been a great addition! The
pistol was a little louder than I expected
and although there were no churches in sight.
I came home with some ringing in my
Speaking of coming home, as I
approached the road around our park
I came across two women who were
walking their dog.
I shouted "Hello" but, when they
saw the rifle and holster it seemed
social distancing was no problem.
They offered a wide berth!
Hope the phone, or whatever it
is, stops ringing, and that all your
NEWS is good!
Friday, April 3, 2020
It was a typical day around our house.
Well, typically based on the past three
weeks anyway.
We slept in and got up, reluctantly,
to make sure the world was still here.
It was.
After watching "The Waltons" and
a movie on Netflix I decided to go for
a short walk. Just to the mailbox.
The mail has never really excited
me. In fact, for many years, I didn't
have a key to our box.
It's hard to look forward to bills
and sales flyers addressed to occupant
or current resident.
But since the stay at home edict
began a simple trip offered an
opportunity to get out of the house.
Then I realized it was raining!
I took the walk anyway, getting
partially soaked only to find the
mailbox was empty! Not even a
political ad!
Now I know how Mother
Hubbert felt!
Hope there's a Harbor
Freight flyer or something there
tomorrow and that all your
NEWS is good!
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Our family loves to get together.
Especially for Birthdays!
Our daughter-in-law, Charlotte
DeCosmo, celebrated her's yesterday
so we all just had to be there! There
was, however, a slight problem.
Nobody is suppose to leave their
homes. Perhaps you heard.
My son found a way around the
leaving home prohibition by bringing
everyone together with "Zoom."
It's a relatively new option that
allows people to see and talk to each
other with their Smartphones or
computers. Not just one on one.
Groups can gather that way as well.
So we did! I know we were more
than 6 feet apart!
I was surprised to see we could
be just as rowdy on Zoom as when
we're physically together.
We all sang. There was some
dancing. Well, sort of dancing.
And a couple "Happy Birthday
I think the Birthday girl was
happy to see everyone together in
the same room even if it was on
screen. And I know everyone was
happy to be there with her however
we could pull it off.
Hope I get some cake next
time and that all your NEWS is
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
On Tuesday one of our daughters
stopped by the house, left food on the
porch, and talked with us via cell phone
while she sat in her car out front.
Her concern was avoiding direct
contact to make sure the virus didn't
come in with her.
On Wednesday our grandson
Ryan stopped by. If he didn't have
concerns then he may next time.
You see there's always something
to be done around our place and, very
often, some of it involves heavy
For those who are unaware, I
don't do heavy lifting!
As I said then our refrigerator
was replaced recently, my believe is
that heavy things, like refrigerators,
should be "born" where they are to
be placed.
In any case our grandson, who
really came by to have me check a
couple of his fishing rods while he
checked on our welfare, ended up
doing all the heavy lifting as two
chairs changed rooms and various
plant displays were displaced!
Everything gone done!
Hope he comes back, and
that all your NEWS is good!
It's April first! No fooling! But
March went out like a lion when you
review activities on the 31st at our
prison...I mean our house.
I spent at least 13 hours of the day
shooting and editing next week's
program for electric city television.
The show actually runs less than a half
I was encouraged when my wife
came out of her sewing room with a
pile of masks she stitched together.
But it turns out they weren't for our
escape! I may hang on to at least one
however in case the stock market
keeps dropping. I'll need it at the bank!
My daughter showed up as a
visitor with a bag of food for dinner.
Since we don't have a visitor's room
she left it on the porch and talked with
us by telephone from her car.
I was hoping they'd be a saw in
the care package but it was filled with
At least she got to see my prison
garb as I peaked out the door to wave.
In the end we did manage another
getaway! We were off to Salzburg, Austria
where we saw Mozart's birthplace and a statue
of the famous composer, and looked
over the cathedral where Maria and
Captain Von Trapp were married.
I beautiful views on a Travelworld
tour of Austria we escorted a couple
years ago. These pictorial escapes
have taken our minds and hearts out
of captivity.
Hope to "escape" to Tuscany
this evening and that all your NEWS
is good!

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