Tuesday, August 6, 2024



           A BEACON FOR ALL!

    Ahoy me hearties! It's "National

Lighthouse Day!"
    It was on this day in 1789, that
Congress approved an Act for the
establishment and support of lighthouse,
beacons, buoys and public piers.
    While Lighthouses have always
been important to sailors most of us
seem to have a fascination with these
huge (well mostly huge) towers that
cast a beacon through the air and
out to sea (or lake) each night.
     We have three tiny models of
lighthouses on our front porch. And
our grandson likes to pick them
up to check them out nearly every
time he visits.
      A few years back the family
visited one in North Carolina and
several of us set out to climb the
spiral staircase inside. Two kids
and two adults made it. I was one
of those who succeeded back then.
      These days I'd be lucky to make
it round the first spiral turn!
       My son wanted to climb the one
in Cape May, New Jersey but we
didn't have time on our last visit.
Next time maybe. I'll take his 
picture on top....from the ground
with my zoom lens!
        Anyway a salute today to those
lighthouses that protect our coast
line and to those who have worked
so hard to preserve them!
        Hope they'll continue to shine
and that all your NEWS is good!

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