Friday, August 30, 2024


      SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 2024

             NEARING THE END          

    Now don't panic! Summer isn't over
yet. Officially or unofficially. There's
still plenty of hot days ahead.
        But as we say good bye to August
there are all too many signs that the end
of this long hot summer is within sight!
       Most of the community swimming
pools have either shut down or are in their
last week. That's partly because most of
the colleges are back in session and Life
Guards are hard to find.
          Playgrounds seem pretty empty
now that most of kids are back in their
         You'll find you need your
headlights on before 8pm now that
September is coming round. At
least we've still got Daylight Savings
          The Fall Fairs have already
started. And while they're a lot of
fun they're also a sign that summer
is on its way out.
          But the worst is yet to come.
Soon those little Ice Cream Stands
will be closing for the season. I never
quite understood that. I buy ice cream
year round and if the stands stayed
open I'd be a customer!
          This is the first summer in a
while that really has seemed long and
hot right on through.
          Hope it hangs in till the bitter
end and that all your NEWS is good!


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