Tuesday, August 20, 2024


    WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2024

        HOW OLD IS "OLD?"

        It's August 21st everybody and this is

"Senior Citizens Day!" When I was growing

up I considered anyone older was a senior

citizen. My parents. Certainly my grand mother.

But that designation has changed a lot over the

years. At one time retirement age qualified one

as a senior. That age used to be 65. But now you

can reture at 62. That's the age one has to be to

buy a Senior Pass to our national parks. But

AARP , which has been representing senior's

interests for years, welcomes members once

they hit 50! I finally realized and admitted

I was a senior during a snow storm a few years

back. It was very bad and people were being asked

to call their senior neighbors to make sure they were

all right. I picked up my cell phone and called

my home phone. And, yes, I was OK! Hope

you're well, whatever your age, and that all

your NEWS is good.

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