Saturday, August 10, 2024


    FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 2024


   You may not know the name

Frank Epperson. But his "accident"

has made a lot of our lives better.

Especially in the summer!  Frank

was 11-years-old and living in

Oakland, California when he

added some powered soda mix

to glass of water then put a stick

inside to stir the mixture. He put

it aside and apparently forgot about

it till the next morning. That's when

he found his concoction frozen in the

glass! He ran the glass under hot water

and used the stick to pull the mixture

out. He tasted it and liked it a lot!

He continued making the mix for himself

and his friends. Then, when he grew

older, he made it for his kids! In 1923

he got a patent for the treat which he

intended to call an Eppsicle . His kids

had a better idea and convinced him

to change the name to Popsicle! 

You might consider having one now

since August 11th is "National

Popsicle Day!"

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