Wednesday, August 14, 2024



                    SOUND OFF!
     It is one of my earliest memories!
It was August 15th., 1945. I was nearly 3.
    I know we were vacationing at
the shore. And I know the radio
was on in the car.
    I was already sitting up front.
Probably on my Mom's lap. "Child
Safety Seats" were unheard of back
     Suddenly my Dad let me start blowing
the car horn. And he didn't make me stop!
I was in my glory! King of the road as
it were.
      Somewhere along the line we
stopped at a restaurant. I don't remember
ordering on my own. But I do remember
a huge pile of spaghetti put on a plate
and placed directly in front of me!
      Perhaps, at 3, I had become the
world's greatest horn blower! Why
else serve such a big portion to such
a little kid?
      Well, at it turns out, there was
another reason. Thought I had no
idea of its impact back then, I now
know it was VJ Day! The empire of
Japan had surrendered to the United
States thus ending World War II !
      The surrender came on August
14th but President Truman didn't
announce it publicly till the 15th.
Of course it wasn't signed until
September 2nd.
      I am pleased to have been
allowed to participate in what
turned out to be a world-wide
      It has been 79 years. And each
has its share of memories. Yet the
memory of that horn and my heaping
helping of spaghetti will always have
a special place in my mind.
      Hope you have some treasured
memories too! And that all your
NEWS is good!
(Unfortunately no photo from the
day. But this is me and the car a
couple years later!)

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