Sunday, August 11, 2024


                            MONDAY, AUGUST 11TH., 2024

                          CHUCKLES FROM THE CHIEF!

   I've have checked my calendar for unusual observations and
find that August 11th is "Presidential Joke Day!"
    Now, before all you Democrats start offering suggestions.
And before all you Republicans get angry for what you expect
to come. You should understand that this is not a day to tell jokes
about a President. This is a day for Presidents, if they wish, to
tell jokes!
     It all stems from a not so funny incident in 1984.
     One of the first things you learn in broadcasting is to assume
if there's a microphone in front of you's on!
      But President Ronald Reagan, a broadcasting veteran himself,
apparently forgot that basic rule! On this date in 1984, while
preparing for a national speech, was testing his microphone. He
said 'My fellow Americans I am pleased to tell you I have just
signed legislation which outlaws Russia forever. The bombing
begins in 5 minutes." But his remarks went out over the air!
        Needless to say a lot of people didn't find that very funny.
But it did lead to Presidential Joke Day.
         Perhaps it might better to remind Presidents and the rest
of us to think before we speak. A closed mouth gathers no
          Hope you're well and that all of your jokes and NEWS
are good!

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