Monday, August 5, 2024


   TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 2024


   Some people seek fame. And

some people become famous, but

for all the wrong reasons! His friends

called him "Philadelphia Billy." And

Billy was born in Philadelphia. But

later in life he moved to Buffalo, New

York where he became a vegtable peddler.

Billy was all too famous for his drinking,

both in Philly and Buffalo, and he got himself

into many drunken brawls. It was after a

night of drinking that he returned home and 

got into an argument with Tilly, his common

law wife. Billy accused her of stealing from

him and of planning to run off with another

man. He killed her with an ax! And on this

very date in 1890 "Philadelphia Billy",

William Kemmler, gained fame by being

the first person executed in the Electric

chair! I suspect he never envisioned that

particular kind of "fame!"

Hope all your NEWS is good!

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