Saturday, August 3, 2024


      SUNDAY, AUGUST 4, 2024

              DON'T QUIT TRYING!

   There's an old saying in sports.."

Never give up." It's a thought we really

should apply to life in general. Things

may seem as bad as they can get but

things can turn around faster than you

could ever imagine! A perfect example

comes to us from the world of sports

on this very day, August 4th., 1929.

The Cleveland Indians (yes, they were

called the Indians back then) were in

New York playing against the New York

Yankees. It was the top of the 9th and

Cleveland was losing 6 to 5. There were

two outs. And then, suddenly, Cleveland

scored. Amd scored. And scored! They

won the game 14 to 6! As a famous

Yankee (Yogi Berra) once said..."It

ain't over till it's over!" Your "downs"

can turn around just as quickly so....

never give up! Hope you'll follow

Yogi's advice and that all your NEWS

is good!  

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