Friday, August 23, 2024

A Night At Tha Drive In!

   SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 2024

A Night At The Drive In!!

It was Boy Scout Night that prompted us to head out to the Moonlight Drive In Theater in West Wyoming. I used to go to the drive in most every night when I was growing up in the 1950's. My Dad was a projectionist. He worked the Capitol Theater in Hazleton during the day then headed out to one of several drive in theaters we had in the area back then. Of course back in the 50's there were some 4,000 drive in theaters in the U.S.  Now there's about 177. That's why the Moonlight is especially unique. It was closed for about 30 years but was reborn just a few years ago. Except for the lack of speakers ( these days you get sound through your car radio) and the new digital projectors,other experience is much the same as it was all those many years ago. And the popcorn is as good as ever. Hope you,'ll take a chance to relive those God old days. Find a drive in near you and take in a show! Hope you enjoy the movie and that all.of your NEWS is good!!!

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