Monday, August 12, 2024



    TUESDAY, AUGUST 13TH., 2024
                 SOUTHPAW DAY!

      I write on this August 13th to honor
all of you who are left handed. This is,
as it happens, Left Hander's Day!
      I have a niece who is left handed
and my late brother always played
golf left handed. I myself did a bit of
switch hitting during the later days of
my Softball career so as to be one full
step closer to first base.
       Left handers have a lot to deal with!
For instance you're unlikely to find a
desk designed for them in school. Coffee
mugs are made with the picture or text
for a right handed pick-up. And scissors
are designed for right handers!
        Although I never witnessed it
personally I've heard stories about
teachers who used to use a ruler on
those writing lefthanded to make them
switch! I wonder how many
potential million dollar baseball
southpaws were lost to us that way?
       According to,
right handed people operate in the left
side of the brain. Left handed people use
the right side. Therefore, only left handed 
people are in their right mind. 
        Just thought you'd like to know.
Hope all your NEWS is good! 

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