Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Texting In The Movies

    Patrons at most any area movie theater
usually get a couple of warnings before the
feature starts to shut off their cellphones.
    "No texting or talking." That's how one
of the reminders reads. The announcer
doing the voice over tells us..."Don't be the
one we ask you to leave. Because we will."
      I support the crack down because I've
been the victim of insensitive people who
feel compelled to light up their bright
little screen to answer or send a text in the
middle of a movie. It's very disturbing.
      Ironically, however, during the past
month or so I have seen more texting in
the theater than I've ever seen before!
      I know the "offenders" won't be asked
to leave. In fact, they can't be asked to
      You see the texting I'm referring to
is being done ON THE SCREEN!!!
      More and more features seem to
contain scenes in which the actor is
sending a text message to someone.
      The producers show you the messages
written out in what cartoon drawers call
a "Speech Balloon." You know, those
balloon like circles where you read
what Porkey Pig or Daffy Duck is
thinking or "saying."
      There were plenty of those Balloons
in the movie  "Chef" which we took in
       Suddenly movie goers are being
required to do a little reading if they want
to follow the story line!
       It's going to be interesting, when the
time comes, to see these features reduced
to the typical television sized screen.
       A written message that looks about
two feet tall and three feet wide when
projected on a theater screen is likely to
look like the fine print on a contract when
it makes it to Turner Classics!
      And what happens if the movie happens
to be one of those Foreign Films?
     Well.....I suppose texting has become
so common in daily life that Hollywood
can't ignore it.
     And.....who am to "burst their bubble?"
     Hope you're a quick read...and that all
your NEWS is good!

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