My Grand daughter was in the
spotlight a lot yesterday. First she
sang a solo in church. Later she
joined her school chorus in a
Christmas concert.
As usual I was there with a
video camera to record the events.
I've been doing that for 17-years-
with the grand kids and a lot longer
with their parents.
Home movies, T-ball, soccer,
concerts. You name it and I've
probably photographed it on film,
video tape, or camera card.
But as those things happened
I was seeing them in black and
white! I've had a lot of cameras.
But all but one of them had black
and white view finders. So, that's
how things looked to me.
All of my "newer models" have
those little flip our screens so you
can see what you're photographing
in color. But I seldom use them.
They drain the batteries much
faster and if the sun is shining on
them you can't see anything. Even
black and while is better than that!
Of course my videos all came
out in full spectrum color so I got
to see all those great events all over
again just the way everybody else
saw them as they happened.
I've even got home movies of
myself when I was just a kid. Of
course, now that I think of it, most
of them are in black and white. And
my Dad probably shot them looking
through a glass view finder which
would have shown color.
There's something confusing about
all of this. I guess nothing is just
"black or white."
Hope everything is in focus...
and that all your NEWS is good!
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