Thursday, November 12, 2020


    FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13th., 2020


   Today is Friday the 13th! It's considered

to be very unlucky by many people! Traditionally

the number 13 has been considered unlucky. You

won't find a floor marked 13 in most high rise

buildings in big cities like New York. Ship

captains often refused to sail if the crew numbered

12 because, the captain would make the 13th

person on board. Now how Friday got tied in with

the number I'm not really sure. Some Biblical

scholars believe that Cain killed Abel on a

Friday the 13th. I'm not exactly sure how they

did their calculations since I doubt very much 

that either brother had a calendar on the wall

back then! There are some people who take

the opposite point of view, believing that

Friday the 13th is a lucky day. Lottery sales

are usually up on this day and date! We've got

two of them in the year 2020. Today, and the

other was in March. Just about the time the

pandemic scare was really getting underway.

Maybe there's something to this bad luck thing!

Hope all your luck and your NEWS is good!

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