goodbye, I say hello" from a tune by
the Beatles titled "Hello, Goodbye."
It came to mind after I heard from a
friend of mine who works for Walmart.
In case you haven't heard, Walmart is
saying "goodbye" to the people it hired
to say "hello!" That, of course, would
be the chain's "Greeters."
Now to be totally accurate the company
isn't actually getting rid of the greeters.The
plan is to make use of their talents in other
areas of the store.
So the folks who have been welcoming
you to Walmart with a smile and "hello",
will now be somewhere behind the
registers advising which check out line
is shorter, if they know who'll check out
fastest, or somewhere among the aisles
stocking shelves.
I've often heard of retired folks who
talk about supplementing their Social Security
by becoming a Walmart Greeter. The thought
even crossed my mind.
I can say "Hi!" But I don't know how long
I'd hold up setting out a supply of automobile
batteries! I guess I could handle one of those
little stands where you hand out food samples.
But I'm not sure how many of the samples
would actually get to the customers!
Anyhow, if you spot any of those former
greeters lugging boxes or filling the coolers
be nice.....stop and say "Hello!"
Walmart's web site provides a stock
photo of an employee it identifies as a
"Greeter." She has a big smile and is
waving to us.
Now we know, however, she's actually
waving "Goodbye!"
Here's hoping you get a nice greeting
wherever you go and that all your NEWS
is good!

That is somewhat sad. Though I personally think the position is a waste of money for the company, I understand their wanting to do away with it. But it was a nice light duty job. BUT who is going to check my returns when I go in the store now, to make sure I really brought it in with me?!