Monday, July 9, 2012

The Day That Time Stood Still!

   The plan seemed simple enough.
   A group of us, family and friends, would
go right from church to the BMX Race Track
in Hazleton. We'd have some others meet us
there, to watch my Grandson race, then head to
Tamaqua for dinner at our favorite
    We were out of church by 11:35. But we
figured the 1:15 race time didn't give us quite
enough time to eat before hand..... and waiting
till 2 or so didn't pose a problem for anyone.
     That's when time began to stand still!
     First we learned the races actually
didn't start till 2pm!
     15 of us began to get a little more hungry
than we thought.
     Still we decided to wait.
     Just before 2 they posted the "Mottos."
     Those are the lists that tell you who is
racing who and which gate position they're
suppose to be in for each race.
     Since you're dealing with different age and
skill levels it's not unusual for someone to
complain they're in the wrong place. And,
when that happens, they have to re-do those
"Motto Sheets."
     That process usually takes between 5 and
10 minutes. So, a half hour later, we began to
assume there was something wrong. We were
     Seems the track's computer went down and
no one seemed to have the ability to make up
those Motto Sheets "by hand" as everybody
used to do before computers!
      End result.....the riders were called to the
starting hill for the "2pm" race at 3 o'clock!
      By then, of course, most of our gang
was "starving."
      Then they played the National Anthem.
      There are many versions of the Anthem.
      How they happen to have the longest
version available I'll never know!
       In the end "good things" were worth
waiting for!
       My Grandson took a first place (with a
large crowd cheering for him), and our
restaurant  came through with 15 great
       We had fun....but "time" DID NOT FLY!
       Hope you're enjoying every minute of
your day and that all your NEWS is good!

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