Sunday, July 15, 2012

Hey You Guys!!!!! It's Sundae!

    What a great day! It's the 15th....the 3rd Sunday
of July....and that means it's National Ice Cream
Day (Hence my title, It's Sundae)!
    In 1984 President Reagan proclaimed July as
National Ice Cream Month. He also established
the third Sunday of July as National Ice Cream
Day. So, you see, it is official!
     Coincidentally, July 15th is also "Cow
Appreciation Day" (although a few sites list
it as July 14th.)
     And, after all, where would ice cream be
without cows?
     Everybody in my family likes ice cream
although my son refuses to eat any. Something
about "carbs" I think.
    When he and my daughters were little I
used to get them as big a cone of ice cream as
I could. Then, when they couldn't finish it I
was there to step in and help out.
     Over the years ice cream helped make me
the man I am today (something about carbs
I think!)
     There are probably a few people who don't
like ice cream. I just never met any of them.
      But, should you be one of them, you do
an alternative because July 15th is also
"Tapioca Pudding Day!"
       According to the Web, Tapioca is starch
from the cassava root! I don't actually know
what that is. I hope it has nothing to do with
carbs because I like it nearly as much as ice
       Anyhow enjoy your day! Have a Sundae
or a bowl of Tapioca Pudding and.......Hug a
cow! (Make sure it's a cow and not a bull!)
       Hope you get two scoops and that all
your NEWS is good!

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