Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Radio's Boot Drop!

   Regular readers of my Blog already know I
am not a big fan of those roadblocks where
everyone from fire companies to Mini
Football Cheer leading teams stand in the
middle of the street to beg drivers for coins
and dollars.
   They put people in danger and motorists
on the spot.
    I have a similar feeling about on air fund
raising drives!
    Public Radio stations do a lot of boasting
about how they don't run commercials. But
no block of commercials ever seemed to run
as long as the Pledge Drives I've listened to
time and time again over the years.
     To be fair, I understand that "public radio"
has to raise money to provide the programming
it provides. But if you've ever really listened
to the beginning and ending of many of the
programs you'll hear the announcement which
indicates..."Programming for this program is
provided by listeners like you AND."..........and
that's where these "non commercial stations"
slip in a short "commercial" for some area
business enterprise that do,in fact, provide
financing! And lately, some of those business
mentions seem to be getting a little longer!
    I do have two favorite programs that run on
Public Radio. But on the very day listeners
were being asked to pay up to support those
shows...the station was running re-runs! I
wasn't about to hear the same programs all
over again, let alone constant interruptions to
ask for money.
     Why don't we just LET THEM RUN
    At least some of them are clever.
    And, if "public programming" is as good as
we being told, advertisers will certainly be glad
to have their messages heard there.
      As for fund raising campaigns, I say "Give
them the boot!"

  Hope you like what you're listening to and
that all your NEWS is good!   

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