Monday, March 30, 2020
Just when I thought there was a chance
of getting parole in time for Easter we
learn our sentence has been extended through
I don't totally understand. I only left the
prison, I mean my house, once. And that
was only to go to the shed for a minute.
No! My wife didn't send me there! We
needed something in storage!
This sort of messes things up a little
My weekly show on Electric City
Television is now being done on my
laptop by video call from my living room.
That means I go from producer and
host to producer, host, cameraman, and
editor. I also have to sweep up under
the couch so the dust doesn't show!
I was suppose to do a talk on the
Titanic for a local church group! Now
that's sunk. The talk that is. The ship's
already sunk.
But I should be looking at the
bright side. Since our anniversary is
coming up on the 29th of April I told
my wife I was thinking of booking a
cruise to Italy as a present but had to
drop the plan since we'll still be locked in.
I thought that was pretty creative!
I've always heard that prisoners
have a lot of time to think and scheme!
This may turn into an opportunity!
Hope you're all trustees and that
all your NEWS is good!
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Although the so-called mandatory
stay at home order is just a few days
old we've been holed up at our place
for a full two weeks.
So on Sunday we decided we needed
a get away. We choose Hawaii!
My wife and I have had the good
fortune of traveling a lot over the
past 14 or 15 years and my video
camera has come along on every trip.
In 2015 we spent two full weeks
on Hawaii's Big Island where my
brother-in-law has a home.
We toured the whole island,
visiting the famous Volcano National
Park, local villages, pristine beaches,
and magnificent cliffs overlooking
the beautiful ocean.
Everybody takes pictures on
vacation. Or videos like me. You
probably review them upon your
return then commit them to a
corner drawer somewhere when
they often sit for years gathering
This is a fantastic opportunity
to relive those memorable days
by getting those photos out of
storage and into your conversation.
Thanks to our efforts as escorts
for Travelworld we've got miles of
memories on prints and video from
spots all over the U.S., Canada, and
Europe to enjoy again during our
home confinement.
Hope you'll pull out yours
and make the most of your down
time walking down memory lane!
Aloha! And may all your NEWS
be good!
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Saturday marked the first day of
our mandatory stay at home order from
the governor of Pennsylvania.
With exceptions for "life sustaining
needs" such as groceries and medicines
nothing much has changed from our
voluntary social isolation we've been
observing for the past two weeks.
My wife and I, however, made a
special effort to stay inside for the most part.
That decision was supported, in fact
encouraged, by the downpour of rain
that persisted through most of the day.
In fact the rain provided a good
portion of the morning entertainment
as we slept late and listened to the
staccato of the drops on the roof.
Up first, I also took it upon
myself to prepare a couple eggs for
breakfast. My success is obvious.
The house is still standing!
Most of the day was marked
by crocheting, my wife handled that,
and trying to ration the series episodes
we've found on Netflix, so as not to
use them all up in one day.
I did make one break.I went
to the mailbox where a pet supply
store brochure and coupon managed
to make it through.
Luckley we don't need
anything just now. Our pet fish are
doing well and we've got plenty of
fish food on hand.
At least we're facing this
solitary together!
Hope you're well and that
all your NEWS is good!
Friday, March 27, 2020
We've been trying to observe the
social distancing as much as possible.
Staying away from others to prevent
the possible spread of the virus.
But on Friday we found it
necessary to call in the cavalry!
A constant drip from the kitchen
faucet was starting to get on our
nerves. It wasn't doing anything
good for the water bill either.
Fortunately we have a park
maintenance man who can fix just
about anything that needs fixing.
He agreed to spend part of his
social isolation with us! Fixing
the leak!
The project was a bit more
involved than just the kitchen
faucet as we found a second leak
from a bathroom faucet.
Storage spaces under those
faucets had to be cleared. And
that meant putting everything
back once the repairs were made.
For that we called on our
grandson Ryan. He's responded
to our SOS's before and didn't
hesitate to come to our aid again.
As long as he was here, with
a car, we recruited him to handle
some immediate grocery needs.
Between his list and some
supplies his Mom sent over we
can just about close the refrigerator.
Not wanting to see it
overstuffed I plan a major eating
binge to make more space
It's the least I can do!
Anyhow, the leaks are
plugged and the fridge is full so
we may just survive this
incarceration....I mean isolation!
Hope you haven't got any
big drippers, that you're all
stocked up, and that all your
NEWS is good!
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Virus or not there are things that
must be done. And so I faced another
busy day!
I was up early. In fact minutes
before Noon. I even managed to
catch the news!
Afterwards I reclined on our
couch where I checked all my messages
on Facebook then erased all of my
new emails on Yahoo.
Somehow my email messages have
evolved from a personal or professional
note from time to time to a steady list
of advertisements for products, services,
or political appeals in which I have no
My wife and I have been taking
short rides and walks to escape cabin
fever but that didn't work Thursday.
She was expecting a medical
product delivery and suggested that
I head out on my own.
I drove to a nearby playground
that has a short walking path on the
property but found the entire areas
sealed off with yellow tape and "Do
Not Enter signs" posted in the grass.
Being a trained observer I
figured they didn't want me walking
Another nearby play area
features a 1/5 mile walking path
circling two baseball fields.
I took my short constitutional
there after waiting till a couple
passed and allowed then to get far
enough ahead so even our thoughts
wouldn't come in contact!
Later I returned home and
guarded the front porch while my
wife got her walk time in. Then I
set up the snack tables so we could
eat the steaks she cooked on our
George Foreman grill.
After that it was a toss up.
Some network TV and some Netflix.
Such an exhausting day! I
may have to hit the sack early. Maybe
by 1am!
Hope you're keeping busy and
that all your NEWS is good!
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
We're self isolated about as much
as we can be these days. But there are
still things to do and places to go.
On Wednesday some banking was
required so business places we've dealt
with over the past month will get the
money they're owed.
That was easy enough using the
drive up window and wearing some
gloves as I handled the canister that
carried my deposit into the bank.
Getting gas was also on the
to do list. Here again the gloves
came in handy since I've had about
20 Facebook posts informing me
the virus is being spread at the
gas pumps.
I encountered a very pleasant
manager inside whose smile and
manner brightened my day.
I should have sent the postal
teller to see her. We needed stamps
so I stopped at our local post office.
That's where I made the mistake of
asking the teller how she was doing.
Her version of "Terrible!" was
the most demonstrative I've heard
in a long time! "I hate having to be
here" she added. I said I was sorry,
got my stamps and left.
That sour encounter might
have dampened the rest of my day.
But one of my daughter threw me a
She past along a report that
one of our small, family owned,
markets was not only open but was
offering curb pick up service!
I candidly admit I didn't really
need any groceries. But this place,
Plains Meat Market, specializes in
Kielbasa! And, as most of you know,
kielbasa is one of my personal 5 major
food groups!
So, wanting to help a local small
business, and hungering for this tasty
meat I phoned in an order immediately
then stopped by to have in handed to
me in my car.
Even though it was smoked it
did make it home. Just in time for
Hope the postal teller has a
better day tomorrow and that all your
NEWS is good!
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
My daughter prepared a delicious
potato soup for her dinner and made sure
she set aside a generous portion for my wife
and me.
I wasn't planning on stepping out but,
in this case I didn't have too. My grandson
Ryan got his Driver's license a couple
months ago and he's always been more than
willing to help Grannie and Grandpa. So, in
this case, he decided to make a home delivery.
By the time my wife told me he was
coming it was pretty clear he'd be showing
up any minute.
All of the family has been observing
the Governor's isolation policy so while
we've kept in touch daily, we haven't met
face to face for over a week.
I wanted to make sure Ryan and, of
course both of us, would be safe when he
stopped in, But, believe it or not, neither
my wife nor I have preformed any
surgeries at home recently so surgical
masks are rather few in our household
No problem. If masks are suggested,
masks it will be. So I made my own.
I'm not sure he was too impressed
when he showed up! He asked whether
his 4-year-old cousin had designed it.
Not sure why that would have
come into his mind. But at least he was
Hope you're safe too and that all
your NEWS is good!
Monday, March 23, 2020
I've got a lot of Facebook Friends.
Over 4200 at last count! And I see
new requests to join my Friend's list
I probably actually know a hundred
or so. I've accepted many others because
of mutual friends, hometown connections,
and some because of their past connections
as viewers and listeners during my long
radio and television career.
With so many I'm bound to make a few
bad choices every now and then. You
probably do as well.
There's some sort of a Friend's virus
going around and it's not the one we're
all fighting against right now
It begins when someone on your
list sends you a simple message line
asking "How are you doing?" It often
comes from a name you know or
recognize. That's because they've been
After you've replied with something
like "Fine thanks. How about you?" they
invariably ask. "Have you heard the good
news?" Their pitch involves some sort of
:grant" which has netted them thousands
of dollars. Then they ask, "Did you get
Since I am aware of their scam I
had, in the past, simply ended the
message and unfriended the sender.
Now that I find myself with more
time on my hands I'm enjoying toying
with these scammers.
I'll ask some questions about a
non existent friend we're supposes to have.
They'll skirt around the issue and try to
steer the conversation back to the grant.
After I let them go awhile I
explain I don't need the grant money as
I'm now getting a healthy salary for
tying up scammers and their equipment
on my computer so they won't have as
more time for other pigeons!
Strangely, their end of the
conversation suddenly ends and as
I pull the name up on Facebook I'm
told connections are no longer
I should get a grant for all this
good work! Wonder where I can apply!
Hope you've having some fun
while you're isolated and that all your
NEWS is good!
Our local TV Anchors are getting
some competition. And some of them
come with their own audience!
Our church pastor was just one
of hundreds, if not more, across the
country who turned to television,
via social media, to deliver their
sermons yesterday.
Some have actually been doing
the broadcasts for more than a year.
But the social isolation advised or
ordered because of the coronavirus
has churches closed almost everywhere.
Smartphone cameras now offer the
opportunity to bring local services
right into the living room
I can't complain about the
"competition" because I've done a
couple sermons at a church or two
As the preachers get better some
folks will come to realize there's a
new place to look for factual stories
and be sure they're completely
truthful! No "Fake News" here!
That could make these new
"anchors" very popular and sought
Sorry reporters! Nothing for
you! Matthew, Mark, Luke, and
John already have the beat covered!
Hope you tuned in somewhere
and that all your NEWS is good!
Saturday, March 21, 2020
If I'm not mistaken AARP first
approached me about membership
when I turned 50 or 55. I don't
remember exactly which. But I do
remember thinking it was just a
bit early to attain "Senior status."
On the other had, that tag comes
with a benefit here and there.
Cheaper insurance rates (vs.
those we paid as teens when we
first got behind the wheel.)
Most restaurants now offer
a senior menu or, at least, some
specials for seniors. I don't
remember seeing any specific age
noted to identify when one qualifies
for those specials.
Theaters offer senior discounts
too. And, again, I can't recall if that
movie rate applies from 50 on up,
or if it begins at 65.
Just about the time I wondered
if I might qualify for certain senior
benefits the term became obsolete!
Senior Centers, for instance,
have now become "Active Older
Adult Centers."
When you were in High
School or College there was a very
defined line to identify when one
became a senior.
In today's society that line
has become blurred.
It wasn't until Saturday
that my wife and I finally knew we
had arrived at that senior citizen
That's when, in the midst of
the virus scare, someone not a
member of our family, called to
make sure we were all right!
That thoughtful individual
made me start thinking about
checking on "the elderly" myself.
There's only one problem. I don't
know too many people older than
Well, whatever your age,
I hope you're all right and that all
your NEWS is good!
Friday, March 20, 2020
Christmas is coming a little late this year
for my old friend in New York State. Oh, our
present was ready. But he wasn't around during
the holidays so we tucked it aside for our next
My wife and I arranged to meet my buddy
at a restaurant just outside Binghamton last
week. We were about 15 miles north of our
house when we realized we had forgotten the
gift. Rather then turn back and throw off our
meeting time we decided to mail the gift to
him. I should have turned around!
After finding an appropriately sized
mailing envelope I took the present to the
Pittston Post Office to begin its journey to
North Bay, New York, near Syracuse. It's
about a 3 hour drive from Wilkes-Barre.
I checked the package in with the
post office at 12:49pm in Saint Patrick's
Day. It was shipped out that afternoon at
Next stop on the way north, for some
reason, was due east to Jersey City, New
Jersey! It showed up there on the 19th at
9:33am Wednesday. Less than an hour later
it resumed its trip up north by going, for
some reason, due west, to Pittsburgh! The
postal workers there got it at 2:50pm on
the 19th.
Pittsburgh processed the gift and,
finally, dispatched it to Syracuse that
same day.
Now that it's close to its intended
destination my tracking report shows
it's expected to be delivered on Monday
by 8pm!
I'm guessing that will give them
time to ship it to Ohio or somewhere else
before it gets to my buddy's postal box.
I suppose 5 days isn't a very long
time to get a package through the mail.
It just seems a little long since I'm three
hours from his house!
Hope it actually arrives and that
all your NEWS is good.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Thursday was truing into a very
long day! I usually spend a good part
of it with my little grandson. But he
has the sniffles and rather than chance
passing them off to me his Mom and
Dad decided to keep him home.
Cabin fever wouldn't have been
so bad with the little guy around. But
since that was not to be I planned an
I had to take my wife for a hair
appointment and then pick her up
an hour later. That gave me some
60 minutes to be "at large."
I used the time to head to my
old hometown to see if it was
surviving these hard times.
At first I had doubts. I found
the original Victoria's Candy Shop
closed down and dark. Still, there
were signs in the windows boasting
of new locations so, at least, the
chocolates live on.
There was better news on
East Broad Street where I found
Jimmy's Quick Lunch open, at least
for take outs, and the hot dogs ready
on the grill. I, of course, took a
couple along for the ride.
With time still left I made a
quick stop at Snape's for a box of
pizza and a bag of tea biscuits!
I was back in time and with
supper at that! Time well spent!
Hope you're using yours
well and that all your NEWS is

Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Seems our world has been turned upside
Is this the world's Passover?
Most of us are, generally, tucked away
inside our homes waiting to see if the
angel of death will pass us by. I'm
wondering if we should be putting the
blood of a lamb on our doors?
Schools have cancelled classes.
Theaters are closed.
The restaurants are shuttered or
are offering pick up only,
Playgrounds have been declared
off limits.
Park trails are open but their
bathrooms are closed.
Gas is at record low prices. But
there's basically no where to go.
Supermarket shelves are empty
of toilet paper and cleaning
supplies. They're offering special
shopping hours for the elderly. But
the seniors have to get up by 6am
if they expect to shop.
Churches have closed and
pastors are turning to social media
outlets to offer services.
"Normal" isn't around these
Yet today, on this first day
of Spring, the Swallows are returning
to the Mission in San Juan, Capistrano.
Makes one stop and think.
Hope we're back to "normal"
soon and that all your NEWS is good!
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
I escaped....I mean I got out of the
house a bit Tuesday. I went to the market
for "essentials!"
Of course my essentials were, it seems,
a little different than those most folks
were after.
The pictures you've seen from various
shopping places are accurate. The Paper
product and cleaning supply shelves
were pretty much empty. The only thing
they were filled with were signs limiting
the number of products were allowed to
Although people are staying at home
I'm not sure they'er brushing their teeth!
I was in need of some toothpaste and the
supply seemed more than adequate! Why
is there so much toothpaste and so little
toilet paper?
People have been hitting the canned
good supplies too! The shelves there
weren't empty. But you could tell the
supplies were a little thin.
Thinking that trend might continue
I picked up an extra can of Span. Just in
I ended my essential buying with
a bag of pretzels. As I explained to my
wife, I felt they were absolutely
necessary to aid my television viewing.
Hope your teeth are clean and
all your NEWS is good!
Monday, March 16, 2020
This "virus thing" has us all facing
some inconvenience right now. Some
worse than others I'm sure.
But I saw something on TV today
that really moved me!
It was about a fairly large family
trying to make the best of things with
very little! The father had no formal
job and was doing the best he could
to make a living at home.
They were in a rural area with
only one store anywhere nearby.
As if a house full of kids
weren't enough two grandparents
shared the house as well.
And get this! Not only no cable.
No TV!
Imagine getting through these
or any other tough times under
those conditions.
But my hat's off to them. They
were getting along pretty well
entertaining themselves with just
a piano and an old style radio in
the home. And everybody was
pitching in to help one another.
You may even know them.
The Waltons!
Hope all your NEWS is good!
Sunday, March 15, 2020
I slept in Sunday morning. An unsettled
stomach had me longing for an extra two
hours rest.
It helped. And by early afternoon my wife
and I were wishing we had something to do.
It was at that exact time we realized our
refrigerator was no longer working!
We had dealt with a brief power outage
on the circuit that feeds the fridge on Saturday.
It was apparently caused by a last gasp of breath
from the old Kenmore.
I remember hauling it to our house some
20 years ago with the help of my late friend
and cameraman Bob Dennis. I remember
swearing it was the last time in my life I
would move a refrigerator!
Refrigerators should be born in the place
where they are to stand. They are not built
to be carried anywhere!
My wife began to clear what she could
salvage into ice chests. My grandson came
to our rescue with additional coolers and
his ability to clear out a bottom freezer
without breaking his back!
Then my son turned to Superman, again,
by giving us his family's "back up refrigerator"
which was stored on his back porch.
He physically moved it and lashed it to
a carrier that fits into a trailer hitch on my car.
My only job was to drive it home and hope
I didn't let it drop onto the highway as I negotiated
the 5,000 or so pot holes between his house and
Next he and my grandson spent the day
installing the new refrigerator, removing the
old one, then restocking the unit from all those
ice chests.
I watched the younger grand kids while the
two younger men did all the hard work. My wife
handled some heavy stuff too and the only injury
sustained all day came while I was pushing my
grandson on the playground merry go round
and the steel bar tore open a large patch of skin
just below my knuckle on my right hand.
So it seems we had "something to do" after
Hope we'll get 20 years out of this fridge
and that all your NEWS is good!
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Some of you may remember this
blog. I originally published it on March
15th of 2016. I've updated it just a bit.
But, sadly, my hoped for outcome
remains a dream.
I don't like to get too serious in my
Blogs. It's too much fun making fun
of things that happen to me everyday
and making sure you're aware of
unusual holidays that are daily
excuses for silly celebrations. But
today I'm going to switch things a
bit and take a different track!
My grandson and I paid another
visit to the Steamtown National
Historical site last week. We've been
stopping there ever other week or so
since he was two or three.
There's an exhibit there that gets,
in my opinion, far too little attention.
It's a small "park sized" engine
and a passenger car.
Years ago while on the news beat
for WYOU TV I covered a story
involving a generous local man named
Hank Evanish. Mr. Evanish, who has
since passed away, had discovered the
rusty remains of an amusement train
ride that once entertained children in
Scranton's Nay Aug Park. As I recall
it was headed for the junk yard when
Evanish bought the train, had it
restored and donated in back to the
city to once again be set up at the
I know it ran there, or at least sat
there, for a couple of years. But then
it disappeared again. I had heard a
rumor that it had been lent or given
(not such which) to Steamtown. And,
sure enough, there it sits! The
Lackawanna Railroad Diesel-looking
engine and one of the passenger cars
that carried children over those rails
in Nay Aug Park.
First I rejoiced! So happy to see
that train still preserved.
But then I realized there was
something missing. There was no
plaque or information sheet to tell
visitors about the history of this little
train. Where it rolled. How it was
saved from the junk yard by an area
man who cared. Or how he hoped it
would roll again. And what better
place than Steamtown!
Rail enthusiasts from around the
world come to this place. Why not
set up the tracks, perhaps add more,
and allow visiting children to enjoy
this historic attraction? I'd love to
see it done. How about you? At the
very least the history of this once
popular amusement park ride should
be on display!
Perhaps some letters or calls to
Steamtown! This is the Little Engine
that should....have our support!
Hope someone pays attention
and that all your NEWS is good!
Friday, March 13, 2020
Little things apparently mean a
lot as we do our best to escape the
coronavirus. Until Friday, however,
I didn't realize how little!
Take golf tees for instance.
You probably already know
the Masters Golf Tournment has
been postponed. But did you know
the Cracker Barrel Restaurant chain
has gone so far as to remove its
Peg games from all the tables and
its famous front porch,
For those who have never
allowed themselves to be frustrated
by this puzzle the game involves a
small board shaped like a triangle
with 15 holes shaped like the set
up for bowling pins but with one
extra row. There are 14 golf tees
in all but one of the holes. The goal
is to jump pegs one at a time,
removing the jumped peg until only
one remains.
Do that and you're labled a
But some genius at the
company realized the coronavirus
might be clinging to those tees and
that could spread it to the next player!
Rather than risk exposure the
games are gone. At least for now.
There are other safety measures
too. We had to ask for ketchup for
our fries as the bottle is no longer kept
on the table. I have to assume it's
somehow sanitized in the kitchen
before being brought to the next
I can't really say I missed the
game. My genius status has never
really been questioned (or tested).
But I sure would have missed the
Hope they keep the front
porch rocking chairs and that all
your NEWS is good!
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Who would ever have thought a virus,
thought to be "Made in China, could become
such an effective teaching tool?
Oh I know there are health risks
connected with the current pandemic. But
think of all the valuable lessons we're
learning because of the outbreak!
Economics is a prime example!
The virus has disrupted trade so badly
our stock market has been dropping
like a rock. So, now's the time to get
yourself some stock!
"Buy low. Sell High.: That's the
way it works. I'd be taking advantaged
of that myself if I only had some money.
The virus has forced airlines to
offer fantastic rates on travel overseas!
It would be a great time to take a vacation.
If you're allowed to go anywhere. Or come
Music education is thriving! We've
all learned to wash our hands long enough
to sing Happy Birthday twice. You, of
course, may pick your own selection as
long as it's at least 20 seconds long.
There are other opportunities as well!
Large gatherings are being postponed
so there's not a lot of places to go. But the
casinos remain open so you might be able
to invest your pocket money there and win
enough to buy stocks! Now there's an idea!
Of course you'd have to win.
And with a lot of people preparing
for the possibility of self quarantine there's
been a run on toilet paper! It's the perfect
time to bring back the Sears Catalog!
You've got to act quickly to take
advantage of the opportunities. A year
from now they may have a vaccine to
protect people from the coronavirus.
Of course given the number of
people who refuse to take the existing
flu vaccine you may still be able to sell
the toilet paper!
Still hope you're well and that
all your NEWS is good!
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
All of the precautions being taken because
of the Coronavirus have brought back
memories of my quarantine over 70 years
We weren't fighting a pandemic back
then. But there was a lot of concern around
my house!. I was dealing with Scarlet Fever!
This once potentially fatal disease
resulted in a quarantine of our home. I
remember the red quarantine sign posted
on our front door.
It was a little different than the
"self quarantines" being used by people
who may have been exposed to the
I didn't have a TV with a hundred
channels to watch while I recuperated. In
fact, at that time, we didn't have any TV
at all.
I was allowed to listen to the radio.
It had a lot of the same shows that are
on TV today. Just without pictures.
I seem to remember my Mom
serving me a lot of soup. I think soup
cured most everything back then. Maybe
they should give it a try again?
I don't remember if my Dad was
allowed to go to work or not. I was
too little.
I do know my brother had a few
text books at home when I was
diagnosed. He was not allowed to
bring them back to school!
The "wonder drug" of that time,
penicillin, eventually lead to my
being cured. Fortunately, unlike some,
the fever didn't do any lasting damage
to my heart.
Mine, of course, was an individual
case. Now they're postponing events,
banning travel, closing schools. and
waiting for the medical experts to come
up with the next penicillin.
I hope things don't stay closed
until they do!
I don't plan any major life changes
at the moment. I've always been pretty
good at washing my hands and I don't
have to go to school. The TV station
where I volunteer, ECTV, recorded the
Pittston Saint Patrick's Parade. I have
TV now so I can watch that as soon as
the editing is finished.
I don't plan to quarantine myself
in my house. But if it comes to that I
have a good supply of bathroom tissue
and a couple cans of Spam. I may buy
some more if the stock market stops
Hope you're all feeling healthy
and that all your NEWS is good.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
I've told most everybody about my
childhood memory from 1945 when my
Dad allowed me to blow the car horn over
and over and the guy at the restaurant
put a huge pile of spaghetti on my plate!
I was only three years old!
It was VJ Day. That's the day World
War II officially came to an end as the
Japanese surrender was announced to
the world.
While it is not recorded as such one
could say the war didn't really end until
this date, March 11th., in 1974!
That's the day Hiro Onoda finally
decided to give up!
Onoda was a Japanese Army
Intelligent Oficer who didn't get the
word on the Emperor's surrender
order and hid out in the Philippines
for nearly 30 years.
He had seen and read leaflets
about the end of the war that were
dropped in the jungle over the years.
He believed they were all just
American propaganda.
They had to get his former
commander to come to the jungle to
persuade Onoda the war was long over
and he needed to surrender. He did so,
in tears!
Onoda died in 2014. He was 91.
I suppose there's a lesson here
of sorts. It could be about never
giving up. Or, perhaps, it could be
about the foolishness of ignoring
warnings you get over and over!
Hope you're wiser than Onoda
and that all your NEWS is good!
Monday, March 9, 2020
Bill Goldsworthy, Executive Director
of the Red Cross in northeastern
Pennsylvania, brought a surprise guest
with him when he joined me to record
a program for Electric City Television
The guest, Michele Baehr, is Bill's
I don't get much of a chance to break
news stories anymore. But this is a big
Bill's role with the Red Cross is just
the latest in a long line of public service
efforts in which he's been involved. He's
from West Pittston where he served as
Mayor for 15 years. He signed on with
the fire department there when he was
just 18-years-old and eventually became
its Chief! He was an Eagle Scout himself
and became a Scout Master!
I first met him, I believe, while
he was wearing his fire chief's helmet
leading his men as they tried to save
someone's home. He's been helping to
save people in one way or another ever
He's been the kind of public servant
who always returned my calls and made
himself available for interviews whatever
the subject might be.
Bill will be retiring on April 3rd.
I'd be very surprised if, even in
retirement, he won't be involved in some
for of public service.
His successor currently directs Red
Cross efforts in the Pocono area and her
chapter will be, in effect, merged with
Bill's as she takes on the Executive
Director's position. She is well qualified
and Bill leaves the organization in good
Though I usually use my daily
essay to write of personal comedies or
unusual "holidays' I felt it important
to tell you about Bill's impending
He has been a boon to this
area and he will be missed! Thanks
for all you've done over the years
May all your NEWS be good!
Sunday, March 8, 2020
We're still just over a month away
from the anniversary of the sinking of the
Titanic. But the calls and invitations came
early this year.
I was always interested in the story of
Titanic but became a serious student of
the disaster after reuniting two survivors
back in 1972. Ever since I've been getting
invitations to tell that, and some other
stories linking our area with the Titanic.
It's kind of amazing there's so much
interest in a story that's over a hundred
years old and always end the same way!
On Sunday the Anthracite Heritage
Museum in Scranton celebrated "PA.
Charter Day" by hosting a talk about
the Titanic featuring Bill Lewis who
authored a book about people coming
to our area on the ship, Mae Thomas,
whose mother survived the sinking,
and me, I've gathered some interesting
stories about the ill fated journey.
It was great to see a few young people
at the event. They're the ones who will
have to carry on this and other historical
stories in the years ahead. I'm already so
old I have to explain to school students
that I didn't actually cover the sinking
Still, as long as I'm able I enjoy
retelling my tales of the unsinkable
Titanic...... that sunk.
Hope you'll get to hear them too
and that all your NEWS is good.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
By the time some of you read this
you won't know exactly what time it
You were suppose to stay up until]
or get up at 2am to set your clocks
ahead one hour as Daylight Savings
Time begins.
Of course most of us cheat and
make the adjustment before bedtime
Saturday night. We do that but it
doesn't seem to help. I still feel
like somebody owes me some sack
When I was on the news beat on
a daily basis I could tell you what
time it was, to the minute, without looking
at my watch.
These days I don't wear a watch and
I fine myself double checking to see what
day it is! DST doesn't help! We're suppose
to "spring forward" but I don't have much
of a spring in my step when I've lost an
hour of the few hours I actually sleep!
There are a number of states
and areas that don't observe Daylight
Savings Time and a lot of people
calling for a permanent change of time
one way or the other.
I admit I enjoy the later hours
of light..unless they begin with that
light streaming into my sleeping
Hope you weren't late for
anything and that all your NEWS is
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