air as the players huddled.
But the playing field was quiet!
Not a sound from either the players
or the spectators!
Right up until the buzzer sounded!
Golf! Right?
Nope! This was not a scene from
Pebble Beach!
This was Hickory Run State Park
where we gathered for a family
After the hamburgers, hot dogs,
potato salad, chips, grapes, cookies,
and cheese cake it was time for some
But, to paraphrase the old Neil
Sedaka song...'Standing Up is Hard
To do.' So a board game called
"Scattergories" was chosen to,
at least, exercise the mind!
Everybody gets a paper on which
are written various categories such
as 'States', Foods, Football'..things
like that. Someone rolls a die
containing various letters. The idea
is write words starting with the letter
that match the categories. For instance
if he letter were "A" you might write
Alabama on the line for 'States.'
The buzzer sounds when your time
is up!
It prompts the players to be
creative. Or to be a good
That's why there was a lot of
controversy when my brother-in-law
George identified 'The Bayonets'
as a Musical Group beginning with
the letter "B."
We've all heard of the 'Bayonets'
right? No?
As a one time DJ I was asked to
be the arbitrator on this one. But I
had to admit I never heard of such
a group!
But maybe that's because I was
never a DJ in Novi Sad, Serbia, or
Montenegro....that's the former
Yugoslavia! Turns out 'The
Bayonets' are a 'Street Punk Band'
that have recorded 5 songs on a
promo CD!
The family has now launched an
internal investigation to find out how
George, an Air Force veteran who is
50 years out of High School, knows
anything about a Street Punk Band
from Yugoslavia!
Guess we'll have to give him that
point after all!
Competition is sure tough in this
family. Good thing we weren't
playing Football!
Hope you're searching for that
record "Our Flight" by the Bayonets
and that all your NEWS is good!
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