Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Check This Out!

  One of my 1063 Facebook friends posted some
comments that got me thinking...and
I visited my area Big Box store today.
  I wish I remembered his comments specifically.
  But, generally, they involved someone who
began shouting at a fellow shopper for having
too many items in the 'Quick Checkout Lane.'
   I believe the argument centered on a 6 pack
of soda and whether it should count as one, or
six separate items.
   I had three items as I headed for the lane
marked '15 items or less.'  I was safe
even though one of my items was a 12 pack
of my favorite soft drink.
   But I must admit not only looking at the
shopper in front of me......but counting, at
least in my mind, the number of items being
placed on the counter! And I don't think it
was because of the Facebook comments.
   I think just about everybody does it!
   Unlike my Facebood friend I've never been
around when anyone actually questioned
another shopper!
   But I'm willing to bet their are a lot of
people who would LOVE to speak their
    The boiling point gets close in two
    The first is the shopper with a
legitimate number of items who manages to
step in line just a second before the guy holding
a gallon of milk. Then the guy stands there
watching as the person checking out searches
for either money or a credit card. If it's
money they're searching for that dime
buried somewhere in the purse or wallet.
     Or the credit card won't take!
     The poor guy with the milk
figures he'll see his product reach its
expiration date before he gets to pay for
     Then there's the shopper who truly
does have trouble counting! The guy
with the milk, who switched lanes
midway through the credit card comedy,
now realizes the shopper he's now
behind has 22 separate items waiting to
be scanned in the "15 Item Limit Lane."
      We wants to speak out. In fact he
probably wants to scream! But, in most
cases, he just slowly burns inside.....probably
primed for some road rage if anybody
slows him down during the ride home!'s a suggestion for our
friends at all the Super stores and
markets that offer Quick Check Out
    Either have the clerks enforce the
limits as politely as possible or
consider checking out the old "Get
Smart" television show from the mid
1960's.  The secret agents in that
show had a "Cone Of Silence" where
no one could hear one another while
   Buy one and give those guys with
the single gallon of milk a minute
or two inside when they finally get
through the line! 
    Hope you've limited your purchase
to 15 items and that all your NEWS is\

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