Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Senior Class

   Most of you reading this will NOT appreciate it.
   Not YET!
   August 21st is 'National Senior Citizens Day!'
   Unlike some of the special days I've blogged about
in the past this day is 'Official!'  President Ronald
Reagan made it so in a proclamation issued in 1998!
    It's a day when people are encouraged to spend
some time with senior citizens.
    But it's also a day when people are asked to do
volunteer work in support of the 'elderly.' 
    Of course while all  'elderly people' are
Senior Citizens, not all Senior Citizen's are
    As a matter of fact the qualifications for
'Senior status' vary quite a bit.  If you use
eligibility for Social Security as the
guideline then age 62 had been the determining
factor for many years.  But there are baseball
leagues in places like Florida where you aren't
eligible to play until you're 70!
    The status, whatever the age, becomes
important when it starts counting for discounts!
    And that's the great part!
    There are discounts for restaurants, park
admissions, movie tickets and a whole host
of other things. Some are offered to folks as
young as 55 although you usually start
getting them around 62.
     You'll know when you're getting close.
     You'll begin hearing from AARP. It signs
up members once they're 50!
      Of course the first requirement for
attaining 'Senior Status' is to stay alive!
      I recommend it whether you're just going
for 'Senior' or  all the way to 'Elderly' status.
      It also applies for those of you still working on
'Freshmen,Sophomore, or Junior Status.'
      You've also got to learn a lot and work
hard to become a 'Senior Citizen.' That way
you can get a career which enables you to afford
to eat before you qualify for the discounts.
      But you'll only have to work for 30 to
40 or 50 years.
      Fortunately  younger
folks will come along who already know
everything and they'll take over and make
everything all right.
      They'll probably be calling to wish you a
'Happy Senior Citizen Day!'
     I hope all of you 'Seniors', those who are
'elderly and the rest of you who wish you
were getting discounts, have a great day and
that all of your NEWS is good!

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