Wednesday, August 15, 2012


   Before anyone gets too excited, the
title of this Blog has nothing to do
with any two people connected with the
Presidential campaign!
I'm talking about a ticket I got with
a number printed on the front.
And guess what? They called my number!
Big lottery winner right?
In my case the ticket was one I got
from a machine at the Penn Dot Driver's
Examination offices near Wilkes-Barre.
Of course they call every body's number
eventually. Although some folks seemed
to be waiting a very long time.
My "line" was shorter because it was
made up of people, like me, who had
come to get their new Photo Driver's
License. You've got to renew them
every 4 years in Pennsylvania.
You could tell it was 4 years since I
had been here last.
The cameras must have aged over those
years because my image looked "older"
than the one on my soon to expire
They had me sign on one of those
computer screens. You know, the ones
without any "signature line" on which
your writing comes out looking like you've
just failed a DUI test.
I took a chance and smiled for the
picture. They told me I could if I
wanted so I did. The picture still came
out looking kind of old.
They really should get new cameras!
Anyhow I'm good for a few more years
on the road now so that makes me want to
On the way out I overheard a young
woman telling someone, I believe it was
her mother, that she had just failed her
driving test. I heard her say she "hit a
I felt sorry for her. The poor kid
probably had to take the test without a
Cell phone in her hand.
But she'll be back. They all come back
until the pass the test.
Then she, and thousands like her, will
be out there with me....on the highway...
trying to miss all the cones!
Hope your photo looks "young" and that
all your NEWS is good!

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