Friday, March 21, 2014

Reading The Chart

    I checked in with the Eye Doctor yesterday.
    It's been a month since I had minor surgery
on my eyelids. The check up was to make sure
everything was healed properly.
    Part of the process involved a look at the
Eye Chart. Every Optometrist and Eye Glass
Sales place has one.
    They gave me this hand held device with a
bunch of little hones in it. My instructions.....
close one eye, look through one of the little
holes with the other, then read the letters on
the chart.
    Each line of letters is a little smaller than
the one above it. You're suppose to read the
smallest ones you can make out.
    It's not really a very fair test!
    First, none of those letters actually spell
anything! They're just individual letters. I
think you should have to read words.
    Then they try to trick you!
     P's and F's look a lot alike from any
distance. There should be more Z's. They're
     Next they dilated my eyes. They put 3
kinds of drops in each then gave be 10
minutes while my vision blurred.
     I thought these places were suppose to
make you see better!
     The doctor then used some sort of
equipment to shine a very bright into each
eye while he looked inside my head. My
wife doesn't think he saw anything in there.
     After setting up an appointment with
still another doctor the receptionist handed
me a paper filled with information about
some new email system they're using to allow
patients to stay in touch with their offices.
     I thought it strange the writing on the
paper was totally out of focus! They ought
to get that printer fixed!
     Hope you see what I mean and that all
your NEWS is good! 

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