Sunday, March 23, 2014

What we've got here is..failure to communicate!

   That well know line from the classic
movie "Cool Hand Luke" ran through
my mind last night when I stopped by
my local DQ to pick up some ice cream.
   I should not have been surprised.
   It happens every time!
   The first words spoken by the clerk
are always......"Is this order eat here or
take out?"
   "Take out", I said. I usually say that.
   I then ordered two of the company's
famous "Blizzards." It's DQ's version
of various ice cream sundaes.
   20 feet away from the ordering
county another employee sees my order
on a TV monitor and goes to work
filling it.
    In just a few short minutes the
young lady who prepared my order
steps out holding two containers
filled to the brim with my colorful
    Maybe it's just me. But I had
hoped my "To Go" order would have
included lids. Ice cream is only semi
solid. It's been know to "jump out" of
unsecured containers!
    My request for them was immediately
    I did say I wouldn't need the plastic
spoons since I had real ones at home.
So, they have me lids....... and plastic
spoons. Are you sensing a trend here?
    Thinking it might still be difficult
to hold even a lid covered container
in each hand and steer the car I asked
if I might have a carry container too.
    Again, my request was instantly
    Maybe DQ should consider making
lids and carry out containers standard
issue with "Take Out" orders? Or,
perhaps, the person taking the order
could tell the preparer it's an order
"To Go."
    Anyway, we sure enjoyed the
treats! And I even heard what my
wife said and ordered the right kind!
     Hope you "hear" what I'm saying
and that all your NEWS is good!

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