Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Together Again!

     It was good to see the couple together
again and back "home" when we visited
Sarasota, Florida yesterday.
     The two had been involved in a car
accident in 2012 and were rehabilitated
in New Jersey. Seems like a long way?
     Perhaps I should mention the two are
not real people. Although, they represent
real people.
     I refer to a statue that is entitled
"Unconditional Surrender."
     It depicts a sailor kissing a nurse and
was based on a photo taken on August
14th., 1945,,,,,,,the day Japan surrendered
to the United States, ending World War 2!
     This particular statue, there are four,
stands near a very busy intersection in
Sarasota. Some gal was either trying to
get a closer look or not looking at all
when she rammed the sculpture nearly
two years ago.
     The sailor's leg was damaged and cracks
in the structure had local officials worried
about additional problems should it collapse.
     So, the sailor and nurse, locked in a
perpetual embrace, were loaded onto a
tractor trailer and shipped to New Jersey
where the artist repaired the damage.
     So, the two are together again, posing
for thousands of tourists and their cameras!
     Hopefully we'll all remember what it
represents and that all our NEWS, like
that of August 14th., 1945, will be good!

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