Saturday, March 21, 2015


      So, Spring showed up yesterday.
Unfortunately it showed up on the
same day Winter decided to say good
bye with a couple inches of fresh
      The trees and grass, at least I
think it was grass, I only got to see it
for an afternoon, was covered in
       And the river was filled with
enough ice to sink an entire fleet
of Titanics!
       We thought the fresh snow and
cold would have the neighborhood
skunk hunting for food and, maybe,
wandering into our trap.
       But the only tracks around the
small cage were made by birds, of
all sorts, that had probably flown
in hoping to celebrate Spring.
       A friend called to suggest I
be very careful should I trap the
Polecat. He was afraid I might
get sprayed even though it were in
the cage.
       Actually there was no chance of
that happening. I didn't want to go
out in the snow and, if we did trap
him, I was going to let somebody
else handle it. Maybe my wife?
       Not to worry everybody.
       Spring may have arrived
yesterday, but today is our first
full day of the new season.
       I'm hoping for a lot more
sunshine, a lot more warmth,
a lot more birds, and at least
one less skunk!
        Hope for the best and that
all your NEWS is good.

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