Thursday, March 19, 2015


     I see a lot of interesting things when
I'm out on my morning walks.
     Yesterday was no exception.
     Yesterday I saw the UPS man looking
a little down.
      I was in Pittston in the area of East
Oak Street.
      For those of you unfamiliar with
that thoroughfare East Oak Street is
Pittston's equivalent of Lombard Street
in San Francisco. It's not crooked like
Lombard. But it is very steep!
      The UPS truck was about 25 feet
long. And, as the driver quickly learned,
it doesn't bend in the middle!
       The front bumper and wheels
handled the quick change in elevation
very well. The back wheels and bumper
did not! In fact that back bumper sat
firmly on the pavement of North Main
Street freezing the huge truck in place!
         The Police showed up to offer
what help they could. And by the time
I returned a half hour later both the
cruiser and the UPS truck were gone.
         Maybe those proposed Drone
deliveries aren't such a bad idea!
          Wonder how much brown paint
it takes to cover the scrape marks on a
truck bumper?
           Hope the customer got his
package...and that all your NEWS
is good!


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