Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Hands Off Google!



     I never knew a heck of a lot about
Google. I know the name comes up on
my laptop with a space right after it. If
you type a word into that space Google
searches the world wide web and finds
things that match or apply to your word.
     But on Monday I saw a report on TV
that showed Google's project to develop
a Driverless car! That's right. It's a car
that drives itself!
     There are actually a couple models
being tested right now. One, strictly on
the test track for the moment, doesn't
even have a steering wheel.
      I will not be buying one!
      I actually like driving. In fact when
the weather's nice and I've got the top
down in my car, I love driving!
       I know there's probably a lot of
people out there that relish the thought
of being able to text and have a donut
while their car takes them to work or
school. I've seen a few of them
"experimenting" in their own vehicles.
They're already "hands free."
      As for me, I can't even let my wife
drive while I'm in the car. She's a very
good driver (So was Dustin Hoffman
in "Rain Man"). But I'm so "driver
conscious" my feet would be trying to
work the accelerator and the brakes
even while I'm sitting in the passenger
seat. I'd never get any rest!
      The Driverless cars work by
computers. But who hasn't had a computer
that crashed at one time or another. Seems
to me an accident in one of these Google
cars would give the phrase "computer
crash" a whole new meaning!
       It may be the wave of the future. But
I plan to do my waving with one hand on
the steering wheel! So, in my case, "Hands
off Google!"
       Hope they yield to real drivers and
that all your NEWS is good!

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