Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Thrill Of Victory. The Agony Of Defeat.



      Those lines, highlighting
two extremes of sporting
contests, were highlighted in
the opening of the once popular
TV program...ABC's Wide World
Of Sports.
      I recalled those lines yesterday
as I attended two sporting events.
My grand daughter's High School
Soccer Team took on my old Alma
Mater in the afternoon.
     As a Freshmen she doesn't get
a lot of playing time. But with a
healthy 6-0 lead,  and just ten
minutes to play, she was called in
to join the other players rushing
back and forth on the long field in
those cool temperatures. 
    When the final buzzer sounded
the shut out was preserved and she
shared that thrill of victory with
all her team mates!
     By evening those cool
temperatures turned to cold!
My grandson's High School Team
took the field against the "Indians"
of Juniata High from Mifflinville.
    With frost in the forecast I
pulled out the wool lined jeans,
a wool shirt, a sweat shirt
bearing my grandson's team logo,
my leather bomber jacket, and
a stocking style wool hat. I
braced for the cold as the home
team braced for their opponent.
    But before two minutes had
clicked off the game clock,
Juniata had scored the first of
what would eventually total
67 points to our team's zero.
    It was then, as the game
ended, I noticed just how very
cold my toes had become
sitting in those bleachers! Even
with two pair of socks I could
hardly move them!
     It was, truly, the agony of
de-feet! Sorry!
     Hope they're warm again
soon and that all your NEWS
is good!


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