Thursday, October 8, 2015

Speaking Of Leifs.....

             FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9TH

              SPEAKING OF LEIFS!

    It's October 9th and, as you probably know,
it is Leif Erikson Day. Historians tell us this
guy left his home in Greenland in 1002 and
sailed to North America. That, in a sense,
would make him the one who "discovered
    They taught it a little different when I was
in school.  "In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean
blue." We were taught that old Christopher
"discovered America!"
     Even then, in Grade school, I wondered what
the Indians  (we call them "Native Americans"
now) thought about his "discovery."
     I knew whatever he actually did was big
because they named a city in Ohio after him and
gave us a day off from school on October 12th.
    Some people say time helps people forget. But,
somehow, we seem to know more about Christopher
now then we used to know!
     He didn't believe the world was flat!
     He wasn't the first person to "find" America.
     And we are now told we was born on August 26th
(Not October 12th) of 1451!
      I guess the exact date doesn't matter because we
started observing "his birthday" on the Monday
closest to October 12th instead of on the date itself!
      Poor Chris seems to be getting somewhat of a bad
rap these days! A couple of years ago I found hand
made signs near his statue in Pittston with labeled
him as "America's First Terrorist" and his holiday
as "A celebration of Genocide!"
       There was a big bouquet of flowers too. I don't
think it was left by the folks who drew the signs.
        Whatever else you think Christopher Columbus
not only visited the American continent four times,
he TOLD people about it!
         If Leif Ericson did show up first he didn't
say anything about it. Did you ever notice there's no
Erikson, Ohio? Although, admittedly, Norsemen in
Ohio do celebrate Leif Erikson Day on October 9th.
          I wonder if that's the Friday closest to his
actual birthday?
         Anyway Europeans headed this way because they
heard about Columbus and knew there was
opportunity here.
          Native Americans don't think much of him. But
they now run all the Casinos! (And they're all open on
Columbus Day and Leif Erikson Day!)
           I don't know exactly what they're teaching the
kids about Columbus these days. But if they're still
getting a day off for his birthday, whatever the date,
I'll bet they love the guy! I always did! I'd
probably like Leif too if they had given us a day
           Hope you discover and enjoy Leif Erikson
Day and that all your News is good!

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