Monday, October 19, 2015

Things That Go Bump In The Night

          TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20TH.


         There have been strange noises around
  our house of late. Or so I'm told. I don't
  actually hear all of them. But I know of
         There is, for instance, the cat in our
 refrigerator! Well that's what my wife calls
 it. This particular screech has been around
 for quite awhile. It seems to be some sort
 of defect in out automatic ice maker. But,
 the ice still comes out so I don't mind
 putting up with that "cat" from time to
       My wife has a keen ear for the nightly
 bumps around the skirting of our home.
 We thought they might end when the trap
 set by our neighbor captured a rather large
 skunk. She drove it a few miles away and
 released it into the woods.
       But we're either got more polecats
 around or the one she caught has a GPS
 and has found its way back because the
 knocking continues.
       I suppose it could be one or more of
 the cats that aren't in the refrigerator. The
 ones that roam around the neighborhood
 year round. Of course there's a new crop
 a couple times each year.
       We may have to call on our neighbor
 and her trap again because Ghost Busters
 can't handle these things that go bump
 in the night! 
      I'm not at all concerned about the
 other noise that haunts our house.
 Most everyone else asks about it and it
 has been traced to an oven timer that
 cannot be turned off. It doesn't bother
 me in the least. I can't hear it!
      Hope I don't.....and that all your
 News is good!   

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