Thursday, April 8, 2021


   FRIDAY, APRIL 9th, 2021


   Ever flown on a Jumbo Jet, had

Jumbo shrimp. or just a Jumbo sized

snack package? Well today's the day

the word, or rather name, Jumbo, became

popular in america! It was on this date in

1882! That's the day circus owner P.T. Barnum

brought Jumbo the elephant to the U.S. Barnum

bought Jumbo from the London Zoo where he

had been a ,pst popular attraction. In fact, 100,000

school kids wrote to the Queen asking her to stop

the sale. There was a lawsuit, but Barnum won

and Jumbo immediately became his start attraction.

As a matter of fact in just three weeks of appearances

at Madison Square Garden, Barnum made back the

$10,000 he paid for  the elephant! Unfortunately

Jumbo wasn't around all that long. In 1885 after a

performance in a town in Ontario, Canada, Jumbo

was struck and killed by a train while being taken

back to his pen! And that's neither an old wife's.

or elephant's tail! It's the truth! At least now you

know where the term, pr name, Jumbo, comes from!

Hope you're well and that all your NEWS is good!

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