Sunday, May 22, 2011

One Life To Live!

 So what happened?
 I'm still here.
 I just took a look around and
I don't think this is heaven.
 In fact, this isn't even
 It's a good thing I didn't
spend all my money before May
21st like one guy did in
anticipation of 'the end.'
 Guess we'll all probably wind
up supporting him. In that
sense I guess he did find
 The rest of us? Well we'll
probably have to pay those
bills we tore up last week
and, for those of you still
working, you'll have to be
on the job again tomorrow.
 But don't worry.
 I've been doing some research
myself and note that the
Mayan Calendar ends on
December 21, 2012.
 Obviously life as we know it
will have to end on that date.
 Or so some believe.
 I never actually saw a
Mayan Calendar. I assume it
would have the traditional
days, months, and years noted
on some sort of leaf or fabric
with sketches of attractive
Mayan princesses or maybe
their "Sacrifice Of The Month'
pictured on top.
 I'm disappointed it would
end, in any year, on
December 21st. You would
think even the Mayans would
try to get one last
Christmas in.
 Anyhow you have been
forewarned so there's no
excuse not to be ready
next time.
 Hope all your NEWS is good! 

(* If you don't understand this
reference you owe it to yourself
to see "Field Of Dreams" before
the world ends!)

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