Monday, May 2, 2011

Two Certificates In The News!

  As a reporter your job is to ask
questions. But sometimes people
asked questions of you too!
 And some would ask...'What's the
best part of working in news?
 In my case my first answer involved
getting to meet and interact with
so many people.
 But the next best thing was the
fact that no day was ever the
same. Stories might be similar.
But the specifics were always
different making each story unique.
 And one's day's 'lead' story
may quickly lose it's importance
as new events take over the
 That came to my mind very
quickly as I watched the special
reports presented by all of the
networks last night.
 Just days ago we were all asked
to pay attention to news about a
Birth Certificate.
 Now it's a Death Certificate that
dominates the headlines.
 In the end all things are
relative...aren't they?
 Hope all your NEWS is goo

1 comment:

  1. I love the comments. You are right about meeting people as in our case, you and I did an interview regarding the trucking industry. That was back many years ago but I still remember the day at the Petro and the interview.
