Thursday, November 24, 2011

Setting The Table

   It happened again!
   And Thanksgiving is responsible!
   My wife took me shopping!
   Yea I drove. But the fact is my
wife took me shopping.
    Some items were needed for
Thanksgiving dinner. Others, I
was told, were needed to stock up
our own supplies.
    I thought that only happened
when a blizzard was predicted.
    Had that been the case, judging
from what we selected, I would
have assumed we were expecting
another Ice Age!
    I can't remember a shopping
cart being that hard to push
around corners!
    Now I understand why so many
people buy pickup trucks!
    But I must admit it wasn't all
hard labor.
    There was a huge meat counter.
    And.....right on top....a free sample
of some really great smoked Kielbasa! is still a chore.
    And I don't see why it's really
necessary to go up and down each
and every aisle.
    But, that said, I figured if I
planned my route just right I could
make my way past the meat counter
several times.
    And with just the right route I'd
get enough samples to have lunch!
    It took two shopping carts to
get our "stock up supplies" back to
the car. But at least by that time I
had decided it was worth buying a
ring of that smoked kielbasa.
     Maybe I'll have some more
today. I was kind of full after my
shopping trip.
      Hope your Thanksgiving
table was all stocked up and that
all your NEWS is good!

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