Friday, December 9, 2011

Getting "Carded"

     There's a name that should be as much
a part of Christmas as Frosty the Snowman.
     But I'll bet you won't recognize it.
     It's Sir Henry Cole.
     His claim to fame?
     Well, back in 1843 Sir Henry created the
first Commercial Christmas Card!
      Hallmark should have a shrine to this
      Nearly two Billion cards are sent in this
country each year although the number has
been on the decline since e-cards became
      My family has always been big on
Christmas cards. We mail many and
send a lot by e-mail as well.
     There are, of course, all kinds of
cards available.
      One of my old and closest friends
has turned his annual greeting into a sort
of newsletter highlighting his family's
activities throughout the outgoing
year. My goal each year is to get a
line or two in his Christmas letter!
      That makes me feel like I've
really "made it!"
       My wife and I have been
producing our own cards over the
past few years......all based on the
movie "A Christmas Story" which
is usually broadcast on an least one
station for 24 hours straight on
Christmas Day.
     I'm not sure this is what Sir
Henry had in mind.....but I'd like to
share this year's offering with all of
you who have been taking the time
to read my daily blog!

     And...Yes...that is real soap!
     Hope you like the card and that all your NEWS
is good!

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