Monday, December 26, 2011

T'was the Day After Christmas...

   First....Thanks to the many people who
responded to my Video Blogs on Christmas
Eve and Christmas Day!
    And now.....remember hearing all those
comments, right around Halloween, about
how we "rush Christmas" and how we hear
about it way too early these days?
    Well, as it turns out, Christmas is a little
like a drag race! Yep. There is a lot of noise
at the start. But then it speeds down the
track and, all of a sudden, it's over.
     So here we are, the day after Christmas,
and the wonderful anticipation has been
replaced with a rush to return gifts that
don't fit or don't work...:as advertised."
     As reported in an earlier blog I decided
to enjoy this "Christmas season" for as long
as I possibly could. That means from the
first ad on TV or the first sign of
decorations on a home to the very last
"visible" sign that we've moved on to
Martin Luther King Day or whatever.
     As a matter of fact I've already set
my sights on "Russian Christmas" which
falls on January 7th if memory serves me.
      The "rush to Christmas" I wrote about
is really the kick off for a concentrated
period of time when a lot of people, hopefully
if only momentarily, talk and act in a way that
reflects the real reason Christians celebrate
this holiday. The more we can extend
"Christmas" the better chance we have of
extending that "good will toward men."
       While it helps to have decorations and can do it without them!
        Give it a try and don't be surprised if
a lot more of your NEWS is good!

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