Now we didn't start out to have breakfast.
But, if you're eating and it's still morning I suppose that,
technically, it's breakfast.
And what a breakfast it was!
Chocolate covered pretzels. Chocolate covered corn
flakes. Chocolate covered chocolate!
They were samples handed out by the staff of the
Gertrude Hawk Candy Factory in Dunmore at their
Biennial Open House!
Every other year workers in each of the departments
pick a theme, like "the haunted Candy Factory" or the
"Wizard of Oz" for instance. They dress up like the
characters that fit their theme, build sets and decorations,
then do their job while the public is allowed to walk by,
enjoy the entertainment, and watch as the candy is made,
wrapped, and shipped.
We did a bit of "dressing up" too.....if hair nets count!
And, in each of those departments, workers in costume
hand out samples of the candy they're making!
There are lots of departments!
Eat your heart out Willy Wonka!
There's no need for a Golden Ticket! All these samples
are FREE!
We bring plastic sandwich bags along to store all our
goodies while we take the tour. Of course, every now and then,
you reach into your bag and nibble on a chocolate treat.
Most of my samples never made it to the outside!
I came out with a smile on my face and weighting about
one extra pound!
Santa and Mrs Claus showed up too and posed for photos
with anyone who wanted them.
Santa looked just a bit on the thin side so I suggested he
head inside the factory for awhile. That should fill him out!
I watched one lady employee directing the flow of liquid
chocolate into a large machine that eventually filled forms
which will harden into a candy product.
I suspect my grand kids envisioned themselves sitting
under that spout with their mouths wide open just waiting
for the chocolate to pour in!
Outside there's a huge tent where you can buy some of
Gertrude Hawk's famous products for great discount prices.
My wife, daughter, and son's girlfriend disappeared into
that structure for about a half hour and came out carrying
some rather large boxes.
I suspect we'll be having some chocolate for the
holidays. Perhaps into next year!
Can you say Scrumdidilyumptious?!
Hope I didn't get you too hungry...and that all your NEWS
is good!
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