They're as American as Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie, and
Chevrolet! And they sure don't look 85-years-old!
They are The Rockettes and we went to see them yesterday
in their home at Radio City Music Hall!
My wife and I and two other couples joined three bus loads
of other folks headed for the "Big Apple" to see the annual
Christmas Show. It's the 85th annual Christmas Spectacular!
I paid close attention to all of the precision dancers. I still
say none of them are 85! By the way a few of their many
costumes were red!
But, whatever their ages, the show was fantastic!
Of course there's plenty of time after the performance to
see a bit of New York too!
The six of us walked toward and down 5th Avenue, stopping
every few feet to take pictures of something amazing and
looking a lot like tourists!
Beyond the tall buildings and impressive Christmas displays
in virtually all the stores the thing that grabs your attention, mine
at least, is the traffic!
Crossing a street in New York is a lot like playing dodge ball
against taxi cabs! Even when you get the "Walk Sign" there are
cabs turning towards your cross walk! I wouldn't have been
surprised to see little "people decals" on some of them as a sort
of testament to all the folks they've managed to either run down or
scare to death!
You may also have heard there's a horn ordinance in New York.
Drivers are prohibited from sounding their horns,
Apparently, however, no one has told this to any of the drivers.
We heard as many horns as Christmas Carols.
And, again apparently, no one has told the Police either. Either
that or the officers we saw near us are deaf and couldn't hear the
cab or car horns!
We had some evidence that seems to support the hearing
impairment theory. As we walked extremely close to one of New
York's "finest" my wife suggested very clearly that we were "glad
to have a Police escort." Their was no reaction from the officer. He
continued in step with us with an expression that hinted his thoughts
were walking in a different direction!
We helped the city's economy a little with a purchase here
or there. But I passed on the $5.00 bag of chestnuts that looked as
though it held about 5 nuts.
After enjoying the show and our tour of the city for about six
hours we hurried to meet our 6pm bus. By 6:30 we were beginning
to think our driver had bought one of those watches they sell from
a blanket on a street corner in New York! By 6:45 we were sure
he had headed home without us. But then, at about 6:55, he showed
up complaining about all the traffic. Maybe he should have sounded
his horn!
About the only things moving quickly were bicycles! (And the guy
who sells the watches when a cop gets close!)
All in all though, a great day in the city!
Did I mention those Rockettes don't look 85?
Hope you age that well..and that all your NEWS is good!
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