Ray Peterson's 1960's song "Tell Laural I Love Her" came to
mind last evening as my wife and I were trying, unsuccessfully,
to watch at least one TV program without interruptions.
Someone, it seems, has handed out our telephone number to
every Tom, Dick, and Harry running for any and all public
offices in the upcoming Tuesday General Election.
It is, of course, a last minute attempt to win our votes.
It is not setting very well with us.
I had long since "unfriended" several people on my
Facebook "Friends list" who have turned their multiple daily
postings into commercials for, or more likely against,
various candidates.
The "Mute Switch" on my television remote has become a
handy accessory as office seekers flood the channels with
their messages.
And I've actually discovered some new radio stations
while quickly turning my dial to escape the constant
repetition of political spots that have been disturbing my
enjoyment of AM and FM programs for the past month.
My SiriusXM Satellite service has become my favorite
source during the current election cycle as most of it's
stations don't broadcast commercials.
But my darn telephone has been ringing off the hook!
Last night there were three calls within a 20 minute
It's usually a recorded message from the candidate him or
her self.
Last night the voice on the other end of one of those calls
identified himself as Mitt Romney!
He was greeting "Laura."
We'll never know what he wanted to tell her!
We hung up!
And we'd do the same if his opponent had called!
You'd think a candidate for President would know there's
no one named Laura who is living or has ever lived here!
When it's not a candidate calling it's a polling organization
asking everything from our age and income to our voting
I won't tell them how we plan to vote. But I will say this,,,,
If anybody running for anything promises to add political
calls to the Do Not Call List he, or she, will most cetrainly
get my support!
Hope Mitt finds Laura and that all your NEWS is good!

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