And I've seen some of the best over the years
including an Opening Night on Broadway! I had
to wear a Tux for that one!
That said I've really got to give a standing
ovation to the students at Holy Redeemer High
School for their performance of the musical
"Grease" last night. And it's not just because I
was able to come in my jeans.
The cast belted out the tunes like real pros!
But you've really got to give these thespians
an A plus for "selling" the parts they played.
Teenagers playing the rolls of High School
teenagers might not seem like such a big task
until you consider the fact these kids were
playing teenagers from the 50's or 60's!
Just in case you haven't noticed, things have
changed a bit since those "Good old days!"
Take the song "Alone at the Drive In Movie."
You've got to wonder how many of these
kids have spent any serious time at a Drive In
Theater! Think they'd know what to do with
those speakers that used to hang on the poles
set up between cars?
There's a reference to the Little Elf that's
seen on the screen during Intermission.
I'd be willing to bet none of these actors
ever saw the character who did a minute by
minute countdown leading up to the start of
the second movie at the Drive In's Double
Another song is all about Sandra Dee.
I'd like to ask the cast if anybody knew
there really was a Sandra Dee!?
Most would probably be surprised!
I'm not sure you could modernize
"Grease" to make it reflect today's High School
society. I'm not sure anybody would want to!
Anyhow "Grease" has become a classic
so there's really no good reason to try to bring
it up to date.
It ain't broke. So don't fix it!
Hope you're still doing the Hand Jive
and that all your NEWS is good!

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