Our New England vacation brought us to Vinalhaven Island,
off the coast of Mains on Saturday. It's an hour and 15 minute
cruise by Ferryboat.
I had the top down as we sailed towards our destination.
We passed other vessels, beautiful light houses and even a
classic sailing ship.
After we met up with friends we're visiting somebody, I'm
not exactly sure who, suggested we take a walk in the woods
on and old trail that's recently been "re blazed."
It sounded great. But as we walked into the deep woods
we quickly learned this trail wound its way up, down, and
around a mountainside. There were "steps" that would challenge
any 6 footer with a giant stride. And soggy marsh that easily
found its way inside by sneakers.
There were trail markings too...when and if you could find
them. I half suspected some of them to read "Bataan" or "Ho Chi
Min" trail. Most just had blue or orange markers affixed to a
tree here or there.
I walk nearly two miles every morning when I can. It takes
about a half hour.
Our walk in the woods probably took an hour or so to cover
a little over a mile. It just seemed like 3 hours!
My wife and I became just a little nervous when our friend
got just far enough ahead where we couldn't shout to each other
any more! He was kind enough to leave a written note at a crucial
fork in the trail and we were lucky enough the wind didn't blow
it away or reposition his hand drawn arrows in a different
Eventually we reunited with the rest of the gang. That was
good since even 911 doesn't work on the cell phones here!
It was good to be out of the woods before sunset and we're
bound to sleep well after our walk into what I believe was either
the Black Forest or the Twilight Zone.
Hope you know where you are, where you're going, and
that all your NEWS is good.
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