Well after 9 days and a total of 590.8 miles
the Eagle has landed. That is to say, we're
back home!
Our delightful trip took us to Vinalhaven
Island Maine, and home, by way of Vermont,
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, &
New York.
We had a fantastic time. I thought I'd share
some highs and lows with my regular Blog
The best part, of course, was spending time
with my friend Bob and his wife Peg. His
sister-in-law and her good friend helped fill
our days with fun activities too!
I don't think there are a lot of people who have
had a close friend since Grade School. But that's
the case with Bob and me.
We've just always been a perfect combination.
He got straight A's in school. I got one...one
time too! He was always prudent with his
finances. I've always helped the economy by
spending every cent I had as fast as I got it!
He makes Apple pies. I eat Apple pies!
We're just like those guys in the movie "Twins."
You know, Schwarzenegger and DeVito!
As for the travels, our personal tour of North
Haven Island where the Lindbergs settled after the
murder of their infant son and where the founders
of IBM built homes, was a definite highlight.
Another was our stop at "Red's Eats" where
an entire lobster is served atop a hot dog bun!
We didn't set out to see changing leaves.
That's good given the fact that the most
colorful leaves we spotted were on a group of
trees near the Moosic Dinner!
The part I hated most, other that the
greeting of thunderstorms that waited for us back
home in Pennsylvania, was the "Traffic Circles"
we came across in New England!
These "suicide circles" as I like to call them
are accidents waiting to happen. And the victims
are usually visitors, like us, who don't know
exactly where we're suppose to exit these
automobile Merry-Go-Rounds!
And I understand Penndot wants to build
one in Dallas! Good luck Dallas!
I'd much rather see the money used for
paving that section of Interstate 84 that greets
motorists driving in from New York! They
suddenly find themselves on the Keystone
State's version of the Burma Road!
That said, our trip was a great time with
great friends, where there are never any bumps
in the road!
Hope you've got friends like that and
that all your NEWS is good!
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