Sunday, November 3, 2013

Hey Kids, What Time Is It?

    "Hey kids, what time is it?" The
answer, if you grew up in the 50's,
was "Howdy Doody Time!" (Ask
your parents kids!) The answer today,
however, depends on whether you set
your clocks correctly last night!
    Daylight Savings Time ended as
of 2am this morning. I suppose many
of you cheated and reset your time
pieces several hours before 2.
    For most of us it's one of two
times each year when we actually
touch our clocks. unless you're a
compulsive duster!
    In our house, resetting clocks
takes some thinking.
   We have several standard clocks
and several digital ones. if you follow
the rules, and we already know many
of you don't, you're suppose to cycle your
regular clocks 23 hours ahead, which
would result in a one hour reduction.
You're not suppose to turn the hands
counter clockwise. But most people do
    Digital clocks are a lot smarter.
    A few of my digital clocks set
themselves automatically. I still don't
understand how they know they're suppose
to do that. Who tells them?
    And what if I've already reset them
myself? Do they know I've done that?
    Sometime today I'll check all of my
clocks again to see if they all agree on
the time. That way if somebody says....Hey
David, what time is it....I'll have the correct
    Now I'm off to my vehicles to see if I
can possible remember how the heck I
change them to whatever time we're using
   Hope you've RIGHT on time, and that all
your NEWS is good!   

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