I was on the Safety Patrol when I was in
6th grade at A.D. Thomas Elementary School
back in Hazleton. I got a yellow jacket and
cap, a white patrol belt and, of course, a badge.
My job was to help the younger kids cross
one of the streets that surrounded our school.
Additionally, I held the door for the
Kindergarten kids when the bell sounded to
call them into class.
I haven't really had a designated "Safety job"
since that time.....until yesterday!
My wife and I were escorting our tour group
on its return trip from Branson. We were
picking up our Boarding Passes at the
Springfield Airport when we noticed we were
not assigned seats together. We like to sit
together when we're traveling. But the only way
that could be arranged is if we were willing to
sit in the Exit row on the aircraft.
When you sit there you take on "Safety
Responsibilities!" There are instruction printed
on the emergency door right next to your seat.
Should there be an emergency I was expected
to follow those instructions which would result
in my releasing that door from its mounting then
throwing it out the opening!
I thought I should probably test the procedure.
But my wife didn't think it would be wise to open
then throw out the door at 30,000 feet.
I see her point. Why let all that cold air in?
But tested or not, I stood, or in this case sat,
ready to provide safety to all my fellow
It was 6th grade all over again...except I didn't
get a jacket and cap, white belt, or a badge. Maybe
they're in the mail!
Hope you're safe, wherever you are, and that all
your NEWS is good!
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