Saturday, December 6, 2014

Every Time A Bell Rings....

    I must be helping form an entire
squadron of flying Angels! Well, maybe
not me. But my van!
     Look. We all know if you don't put
your seat belt on some sort of warning
bell rings in your car.
     Open your door with the keys in the
ignition and there's a good chance bells
will start to sound.
      I'm used to those alerts. But I'm
beginning to think my car was designed
by Clarence from "It's A Wonderful Life."
      My first "unusual" bell alert came
about the time my "Check Engine Light"
first went on.
      That bell eventually surrendered after
I "fixed" my problem by moving my
adjustable steering wheel into a position
that blocks my view of the light.
       I heard a bell sound while I was
driving the other day. I immediately
looked towards my gas gauge. A bell
sounds when that gauge hits what should
be the quarter tank mark.
       But I had just added gas the day before.
And the gauge was still above three quarters!
       The keys were in the car. But that was
a good thing since I was moving at the time.
My doors were firmly closed and locked and
if my seal belt was any tighter my eye balls
would be up against the windshield!
        Then I saw the little yellow warning
light. It reveled to me that my windshield
washing liquid level was low. And when
it's low enough....a bell sounds!
         Who sounds an alarm for low
washing liquid? I could understand if it
were my brakes.
          I think I've got some spare fluid on
the porch. Question is....should I add it
now or wait and let a few more Angels get
their wings?
         Hope they're happy up there...and that
all your NEWS is good!


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